SRA VR vs. Ohio

I'm on the verge of investing in some vibration isolation platforms for my system. I use one digital box, a two chasis tube pre, mono SS amps, and speakers that have an outboard bass control so I would need 6 pieces in total. That would be some serious $$ if I went with all Ohio Base plus. I'm sure there are plenty out there who own the VR series and the Ohio Plus, so my question is, what differences do you notice between the two, and what components do you use with which?

I'm thinking about starting with all 6 VRs initially then trade up to a Ohios one at a time, starting with the mono amps, in a year or two but welcome any comments or suggestions.


You have an excellent system, and I'd be interested in your comments on the Zyx Universe. I must tell you, I swallowed hard when pulling the trigger on the Craz Twins as we refer to them. But the sonic and artistic results are worth every penny. Wife and her friends love the look. I love the sound and the clean organization of the gear.

Also easing the burden on the cost was the realization that I can and will keep the Twins for the rest of my life and probably pass them on to my kids, a fairly unique statement about audio gear in my experience.


I haven't heard the Zyx Universe in it's final state yet but it's fabulous - very resolving, tonally accurate, great detail and neuance

can't wait to place it in my new triplanar vii arm
I hear it plays well on the graham as well
Mehran of Sora Sounds is great to deal with and found me a lightly used one
I have a galibier table coming next month - then the analog front end will be complete

you have a great wife for her to understand your 'isolation' quest considering the mega$

I still kick myself - I saw a craz 8 rack here on agon for $4k used back in the fall - wonder if he ever sold it

I could spring for a craz rack a little way down the road
single divorced so my only big itmes are kids tuition (gotta love State schools) and audio habit

I'm looking at a Moscode 401 hr amp next
read somewhere on agon of a guy who upgraded his whole system from 20 years ago and his most significant upgrade from a sound improvement end was the craz rack
peaked my curiosity
too funny

found the post

it was your's ed

11-23-06: Cipherjuris
The Silent Running Audio Craz rack costs more than $5,000 but INMO is the best high performance audio rack on the planet. I have upgraded my entire system during the past year, and after my speaker upgrade from my 20-year old Thiel 3.0s to Wilson Sophias and speaker cable upgrade from 16-year old MIT Shotgun to Transparent Ultra MM, the Craz rack made the biggest difference in my system -- bigger than upgrading my amps from ML 20.5s to Lamm M1.2s, my preamp from ML 28 to Ayre K-1xe, CD player from 16-year old Esoteric and Theta to Ayre C-5xe.

And you won't find a nicer or more knowledgeable guy to deal with than Kevin Tellekamp.



That's pretty funny. It remains true. The combination of SRA resonance isolation and a dedicated AV circuit system separate from the rest of the house beginning at the meter gives each component the ability to perform as well as it can. I also suspect that there may be a greater difference with well-designed but less expensive components because a lot of what you get as you go up the cost scale in high end is better isolation within the component and better power supplies.

That said, I'm still amazed at the difference cables can make even in my system.

I recently bought a cable cooker and have just gotten around to cooking my power cables. The difference is not quite as great as with signal cables, but it is still immediately noticeable. Not sure why cooking power cables improves the sound of the system, but it definitely has.

My room is pretty good acoustically, I have not addressed room acoustic treatments yet. Acoustics is such a black and difficult to predict art, I hesitate to address it at all.

