What's new with power conditioning?

I just moved to a new place and I need some help. My old house had PS Audio ports and I had an electrician run some lines for me and my sound was CLEAN. However, my new place isn't so clean. I can hear the dryer coming through my speakers when I wash. Lucky for me, I only wash once a week.

I took the PS Audio power ports from my old place but for now I just don't have the cash it might take to have a qualified electrician come over and set up my lines.

I looked up PS Audio and wow, they have a bunch of new stuff.

What is out there that will clean my power. I use a tube preamp and SET amp and this probably pulls the most power. The rest of my system is a CD player, turntable and that's it. I might be adding a SACD player.

Any suggestions?
Exactpower EP-15A. I'd stay away from PS Audio's new Premier. It's a me-too product, not as good as Exactpower IMO.
In all due respect...I know several people who sold their Exact Power EP-15A's to upgrade to the PS Audio Premier.But they did so after an exhausting head to head listening test.
I just offed my BPT 3.5 Signature and Monster AVS2000 combo in favor of the P3 and never felt like a "me-too".
What's your premise on this post?
Have you actually compared the two?
Just curious...much respect to a CLS owner, as I had a pair with the Kinergetics subs for awhile as well. They certainly are a "sonic window" (or "door" as my wife called them).
Soundlogic, I refer you to these two threads for comments (mine and others, particularly Zaiksman's) comparing the EP to the PPP:

