Shipping - Who's Resposible for Receipt of Item?

Small item transaction. Buyer sent funds and I shipped the item regular post with tracking. The on-line tracking indicates the item was received, but the buyer does not acknowledge receipt. If the item does not show up, what is the next step? Do I refund his money and I take the hit for the lost item, or is he responsible. Looking for advice.
03-26-07: Jmcgrogan2
I just got off the phone with a UPS shipping agent and her manager. They both assured me that if the shipment is lost or damaged the insurance will be paid with proof of content value. This information would seem to contradict what you had previously stated, regarding no insurance payment for lost items.

Good to know I was mistaken. FWIW, I was assuming UPS would argue that the item was not technically not lost since it had been delivered.

Ironically, the first responder in this thread nailed your particular situation.

The one time UPS will pay is when they lose something. Whether they would have considered it lost under those circumstances is another matter.....
Ironically, the first responder in this thread nailed your particular situation.


Yes, that's true I suppose. Is there a limit to how many neighbors I have to check with? It wasn't a neighbor on either side of me or across the street. I suppose I could eventually have still found it on her front porch, since it sat there for over a week because she doesn't live there anymore.

You are right about signatures though, they tend to make these situations even more improbable, if not impossible.

I'm just happy I got my box back. :)
I'm just happy I got my box back. :)
Jmcgrogan2 (Threads | Answers)


I wasn't suggesting that it was your responsibility to check with your neighbors. Frankly, I'd have thought your neighbor would have brought the package over (unless it weighed 200 lbs)...