Siemens Halske versus Siemens Rohre

I am new to tubes and have heard that Siemens Halske tubes are much better than Siemens Rohre. I am wondering if this is true for 6DJ8 tubes. Often times on Ebay I see tubes advertised as Siemens Halske but the box in the picture will say Rohre on it. Should I completely eliminate any Rohre tubes from consideration? Thanks in advance for your input
Thank you all for your comments. Nilthepill, you you mean that you bought your cca's from the same seller referenced above?
Gammajo, No I don't think it was the same seller, but description, picture , characteristics are same same as when I bought mine just few weeks/months ago. Note that I said " similar". I should add that I should be "liking" the 50's tubes, but for may taste I much prefer the early 60's CCa's. You did not ask for this, but I might as well say it and add to more confusion ;-)
Nice link Tvad. I have 4 pairs of the early gray riser Siemens( some call them gray plates) and all have the codes on the glass but one.
But they are ECC88 not CCa, although CCa are said to be the pick of the litter from ECC88.

Semens & Halske E88CC


- double stage getter

- AØX ≠XX code on getter support


Quite rare.

That is the info from the website. I think a bit of an oversight as most I have seen that have the codes on the getter support are the silver riser.

I have 8 tubes with the AØX ≠XX code. 7 being gray riser with code on glass and 1 gray riser with code on getter support.

Go figure!

I also found the ECC88 gray riser to be better then the later CCa silver riser. YMMV

This is my favourite tube from the 6JD8, 6922, 7308 family.

04-10-07: Benie
I have 4 pairs of the early gray riser Siemens( some call them gray plates) and all have the codes on the glass but one.
But they are ECC88 not CCa, although CCa are said to be the pick of the litter from ECC88.
Benie, I have owned Siemens E88CC (not ECC88) grey riser tubes, and they are EXCELLENT (and inexpensive...relatively speaking). In fact, they are my second favorite Siemens tubes next to CCa. Yes, you can hear the difference between CCa and grey riser Siemens E88CC, but for many people (myself included) the higher price of the CCa is not worth the expense for the small tonality gain over the E88CC grey riser tubes.

FWIW, to my knowledge, all Siemens CCa are E88CC/6922. Any E188CC or 7308 being sold as CCa are not CCa at all.
If you have your mind set to go for some rare Siemens CCa tubes on Ebay, bid your max because there will be last second snipers lurking nearby.