PC audio is it the best next thing????

I've been hearing alot about pc audio and many claim that in the future pc audio will be considered the next best thing in the audiophile world, curious about all of this. Any thoughts?
I haven't yet jumped on the PC audio bandwagon, however, I think it is the near future for both music lovers and audiophiles.

Let's face it, most music sold over the last 20 years is in a digital format. If you can get it all stored in one tiny space and easily manage it, it can be a huge benefit. Also, theoretically you can eliminate many of the issues that impact digital music reproduction, i.e. read errors and jitter.

So, if one can take 100, 200, 500 or 1000+ CD and load them onto hard-drive, in a lossless format and stream them without jitter or error to a quality DAC it would be a huge benefit to many.

Considering the ongoing WAF (wife acceptance factor) argument, decreasing the overall footprint of our system and media could significantly improve the lives of many audiophiles. Heck, a cool PC based system could even get me out of my basement, into the house with the rest of my family!!!


In my view, it's the next best thing to having no music at all... No, wait, possibly having no music at all would be better. I could always go outside and beat my garbage cans with a bat if I just need to hear some noise. Then, if I stepped on the cat's tail at the same time, well, I'd have a symphony.
Well, i've done it. It's pretty cheap to try it out to hear for yourself. Everybody here has a computer. Just download iTunes rip a cd and buy a USB dac and compare. Sell the dac if you don't think it competes with your main rig. I don't know why people are so reluctant to experiment like this since the benefits are huge.
Many of us have tried it with great success. More and more companies are producing USB DACS. As Mr Khan says; it is cheap to try since you already have a computer. Keep your eye open for a decent used USB dac and give it a shot.

Plato, what the heck does that outburst mean?
Herman, it simply means that at this time I'm skeptical that a computer-based medium will offer anything significantly better than standard redbook CDs provide. Lately, I've gone back to listening to my analog sources (vinyl and reel-to-reel tape). After years of trying every tweak and some very highly rated digital gear, I find I'm missing something with digital sound. Analog seems to fill in the blanks for me.

I also know that the recording industry marketing folks are looking for new ideas to boost sagging sales. Their decision on what media formats to push will be based on low cost and convenience features -- whatever they think will appeal to the masses and help sell new music. It will have nothing whatever to do with "sound quality".

Historically, a new audio format(s) have emerged every couple of decades and have supplanted the previous media of choice. Sadly, I think now more than ever "sound quality" will not figure into the industry's marketing plans... And I find that upsetting...