PC audio is it the best next thing????

I've been hearing alot about pc audio and many claim that in the future pc audio will be considered the next best thing in the audiophile world, curious about all of this. Any thoughts?
With drop in HD's full Redbook should be cost effecive.I agree with not going down in resolution bu as a taping format (since industry has thuis far iognored tapers after Casstette.DAT because of maitenace cost is pro only).CD-R/DVD-R will form dropous in 4-7 years and HD's can as
well or crash from nearing failure etc..Magnetic tape still best.But with HD FM we might see radio renaissance among 'philes and until someone figures out how to get the type of longevity a well stored not overplayed tape can provide (25 years plus) making a few CD-R's AND a HD in full Red Book is best bet.Redundancy and see in 6 years if you canssemble three new masters where you have at least one good track for each song is the way top do it.Or drop by Niel Young or Prices House and ask if you can use thier Nagra.
Plato, fair enough, but I don't think the question is whether or not this will take redbook CD to some new euphoric level and convince analog lovers to throw away their turntables, it is whether or not it will supplant CD players as we know them.

I don’t think CD playback via computer is a step forward in sound quality, but it is just as good as a conventional CDP and a giant leap forward in convenience.
I second Herman's logic, and Plato: I as you, prefer vinyl, which is exactly why I divested myself of a $6k CDP and bought a USB DAC and MacBook. I believe I have the best of the old and new.

Using an excellent USB DAC with a PC as a transport is a hard combination to beat from a sonic perspective, and impossible to beat from a convenience perspective.
Those of you w/ USB DACs, what kind do you have?
I bought a Pre-Sonus audio interface (AD/DA) over a year ago, and have never gotten it to work.