Why does New York radio station sond so good?

I've been on business travel to New jersey for several weeks, and have been impressed at how good classical station 96.3 out of New York City sounds, even on factory stock car radios (various mid-line Nissans, Toyotas, and Subarus). Has anyone else noticed this, and does anyone know why? Have they just selected the very best recordings? Are they playing through a Walker Audio turntable and a stack of EMM / Nagra gear? Or do they just have a bigger klystron than everyone else?
While I do enjoy 96.3, I think that 93.9 (NPR station, music starts after 7 PM - Check out "New Sounds" program after 11 for tremandous variety of great music) sounds even better. More "Row F" than the "Row N" sound of 96.3, to me. Can't begin to guess why but check it out if you can.

And 88.3 is great for jazz but personally I cannot listen if certain (male) DJs are on.

There is so much wonderful music on this handful of NYC area stations.
I'm back home now, at least for a while, so can't check out the other suggestions, but thanks. I'll check them out next time I go back.

Interesting thoughts by Palasr. Their web site mentions that their antennas are on the Empire State Building. I don't know if they were on the WTC before. I sent them an email; I'll let you know if I hear anything back.
Song Identification please? WNYC-FM 93.9 Jonathan Schwartz Show Sat & Sun 12-4 pm. Can anyone identify his closing theme song??? Sidenote: His opening theme song is privately owned by him, was never available publicly. It's a secret he never reveals. Some swear that it is Carly Simon. Anyway, my question is for the identification of his CLOSING theme song. I'm sure some members can easily pick it out. Thanks
Another thumbs up for 88.3. Been an avid listener for almost 10 years, it's just the best!