I suppose this may be the worst place to be starting a thread about NOT GETTING NEW STUFF.

Thing is I use Yamaha NS1000M speakers, which I love. The thing is, it didn't stop me building some other speakers - albeit they are very good. As soon as i stuck them in my system, and thought them to be better then the Yams - probably blood sweat and tears coloured my vision.

I'm certain that this is not a unique experience.

Anyway, I decided to stick the NS 1000M's back in and they are simply wonderful - can't believe I had them out the system for about 2 years.

This brings me to my next topic, and that's the fact that one of the best things to do when going the upgrade path is to take a short break from listening to your system - that unfortunately means your music as well. I say this odd thing because I've just done that, and I am all excited about my music all over again, and, I am in the process of falling in love with my system all over again instead of trying to find fault where there isn't one.

I'd like to hear what you other guys out there think
I agree 100%, you need to walk away to clear your short term memory IMO to not confuse to process, equally if you visit or demo a truely great and no doubt expensive system I dont listen for a few days to my more humble rig so I dont get an itch I cant reach to scratch.
My parents still have a pair of NS1000Ms. They sound great but they really need good stands to shine. I have often thought about getting a used pair for a second system but they do need their space and I don't have it for that big a second system.
Lohanimal --

I have a slightly different philosophy. Before making any significant changes in your system I courage you to listen to actual live music & mentally note what characteristics or traits you're looking to achieve. After a while comparing equipment to other equipment is analogous to contrasting the appearance of a wax figurine with an equivalent Polaroid image.

When shopping you'll often be provided an opportunity to compare A with B. Mileage will vary depending on the situation which is more suitable based your audible priorities & associated requirements (WAF/budget/etc). However in some cases while solution one may be decisively better sounding -- neither may be accurate in comparison with the real deal.

In the end if the path you travel helps yield a system that you genuinely enjoy the rest is inconsequential.
