Stereophile or Absolute Sound

I have subscribed to both in the past. Maybe it's just me but now I almost cannot tell the difference. Which do you prefer and why.
stereophile strays into subject matter like 'who came by for a drink' or 'my cat likes the turntable'.....the kind of fluff you get in an airline magazine. i prefer the on-line sites, even though they tend to love everything. listener and the sensible sound were the best.
Stereophile, because they do some measurements as part of the review.

UHF is my favorite though, because of their excellent technology and music articles.
IMO: TAS reviews seem to be getting superficial (wham, bam, thank you maam) while Stereophile seems to be sticking to more in depth reviewing. I must admit though that I usually read music reviews first and equipment reviews as time allows. I also subscribe to both.
I agree with Kurt, HiFi+ is my favorite. I do like the measurements in Stereophile, but otherwise generally prefer reading TAS.