Why no trading?

With all of the buying and selling of members who just want to try something new and different, I am wondering why more people don't just trade items? I realize it would take just the right deal but I can't recall seeing an ad for trading of an item. What's your thoughts on this?
Ethel was cute, just look at this: http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Mptv/1303/7802_0009.jpg

and 46 is GREAT age for chicks!

I concur, the classic line of that movie and one I have used on many humerous occasions over the years. Glad to see I am not the only person. For some reason reminds of the amplifier line from Spinal tap - the amp that goes to 11.

You know, when I first saw the beginning to this thread, I was amazed there were this many replies until I got to about the middle. I guess boredom will do that to you. Dan

you can get the virtual experience of Natalie right over your phone lines whenever you want her?! It's the very latest from our favorite Ex-NASA tweak-meister...yep, you guessed it, the "Teleportman"! Have your credit card ready!

Is that an early "The Professional," Natalie Teleportman tweak or a later version?
Thanks for all of the funny replies. This thread turned out better than I expected!