vibration and resonance

I need to get rid of vibration and resonance in my homemade rack that is to "lively and rings like a bell". I was told to try DYNAMAT on the underside of the shelves. Would cork be the same or better? What is your experience? Thanks
I don't think cork is the answer. There are applications in which I'm sure it will help.

If you're having the problems you describe, I'm sure a lot of that is getting back to your gear. Treating symptoms is not the best solution. You won't like the answer, but you need to get a solid foundation under your gear, or you're never going to hear it's full potential.

The rack needs to go, but don't substitute one problem for another. Get a rack that's going to do the job. Adona racks, available here are a reasonable starting point. There are many better racks, but the price goes up with quality. It's just like buying equipment. Buy the best you can afford.

I don't know what Schipo is talking about in his post, the last sentence is a mystery to me, but I doubt that you're gonna find what you really need at Ikea. I could be wrong though...

There are a lot of threads about racks and stands. Do some homework before buying anything, and if possible talk to people who have what you find interesting...

Good luck...



I spent some time last year trying to figure out what to buy to replace my fairly inexpensive target rack... here's two recommendations of very sturdy/well build racks:

SolidSteel 6.4 (four shelves) retails around $ 1200.

Soundanchor 4 space (four shelves) around $ 1000.

I ended up going with two of the SolidSteel 5.4 (around 600) but wish now I'd gone all the way with the 6.4
Ikea in your area buy lack tables. there based on the torolyt stands that were built for linns during the late part of the 80s the principle was light yet very ridged structures are better at reducing unwanted vibration then massive solid struture. I think many have gotten away from this and have gone back to massive blocks of marble and slate are better controlling vibration?

Can you describe the actual rack you built. This might be useful for providing better comments. It's not that clear from your threads what finally you built.
Call Steve @ Herbie's Audio and talk with him. I'm sure he will have some worthwhile suggestions.