CES Day 1 Photo Gallery

If anyone if interested I posted a couple hundred photos from day 1 at CES. My personal favorite has to be the McIntosh green turntable platter. Here is the link the gallery http://www.computeraudiophile.com/node/126
Wow! Thanks for the photos!

That green platter on the new McIntosh turntable looks pretty cool, but what's that big mama 'table on page 30 (Large200.jpg)? Also love that heaping stack of Pass amps and the flaming Wadia dac(?).

The icing on the cake though is the YG Acoustics speakers. Finally. I was wondering when a speaker would come along and just put an end to all of the endless debates.


Now that there's a speaker you can hang your hat on fella!

Thank-you for the photos -- wish I could have made it. Sure would have been fun. BTW, I have my eye on that MT10 (which I hear McIntosh outsourced the major parts) -- anxious to hear from a friend who went and get his take on eveything.
Thanks for thinking of us!
Look forward to you "wandering" the halls for our viewing pleasure :)
Let's see some more of that first turntable and arm...