Guitar Hero or Rock Band: Admit You Play?

Which one do you play and what's your favorite song?

I play guitar in my family Rock Band. Favorite tune is Paranoid.

does playing in an actual band count?

Of course it does...congrats on the band - any road trips planned?

....but for those "musically challenged" - Rockband is an easy way to "pretend" to play without months of lessons/practice and immediately have some fun! It is no substitute for the real thing. The drums are at most about "halfway" towards real drumming....
Shadorne, the other guys in the band have played on a lot of LPs and done lots of tours- enough where they won't be tempted out unless they get some good paying gigs. So no- not yet, but it could happen. Touring with a Mellotron... I could be asking for trouble :)
Got Guitar Hero III for the kids for Christmas, although the wife says I really got it for myself. Anyway, got through "easy" fairly quickly, then passed muster on Medium. Got through the 1st bunch of songs on Hard and pretty much have turned the game over to the kids - I'm done.

Got Guitar Hero III for the kids for Christmas, although the wife says I really got it for myself. Anyway, got through "easy" fairly quickly, then passed muster on Medium. Got through the 1st bunch of songs on Hard and pretty much have turned the game over to the kids - I'm done

Good for you Bob. I bet the kids were ecstatic getting the present and even happier when Dad finally stopped hogging the game!!

I don't have Guitar hero but from what I gather it is single player. It is also with "fake" guitars. Rock Band uses "fake" guitars too but it also allows for a drum set and vocals. Furthermore you can all play together simultaneously as a "band": lead guitar, bass guitar, lead singer and drums...this is the aspect of Rock Band that is quite revolutionary (along with the downloadable material) ....particularly the drums (which are the least fake and approximate the real thing). Chances are your kids will soon demand RockBand if they are at all into Guitar Hero.

In case anyone might dismiss the Rock Band drums as a mere "pretend toy" like the "fake Guitars"(which are nothing like a real guitar). I suggest you take a look at this, of course this is a trained drummer playing (with 12 years of practice and a college degree in percussion)...nevertheless it ain't a perfect is that difficult!!!

One thing I forgot to mention an audiophile you can hook the game up to your main system, crank it, and eliminate the ugly pitter patter background sound of the sticks on the electronic drum pads (ugly sound heard on the video and unavoidable when using just the TV speakers). Better still, you can rock the entire house and drive the Wife absolutely NUTS...for some this may be even more rewarding than achieveing a high score!

BTW- I have two daughters and they absolutely love drumming on perhaps, one day, they will drive their husband NUTS....or maybe that is a given anyway ;-)
i just unlocked foreplay/longtime on rockband. incredible fun playing guitar on these.