Guitar Hero or Rock Band: Admit You Play?

Which one do you play and what's your favorite song?

I play guitar in my family Rock Band. Favorite tune is Paranoid.
Kbarkamian, I'm with Unsound on this one.

I've watched people play it and I just walk away. It might be a game, which I understand, but hitting buttons and pretending to strum or drum? Maybe I'm just too much of a prude. Maybe it's because I've put so much time into getting to the level I'm at with the instruments I do play (violin for nearly 18 years now and drums for about 14 years) that it just feels like a mockery to downgrade it with a game that merely pretends to play. Either way I still can't even picture myself ever doing it.

And absolutely nothing against those that do play it. If you are entertained by it then great. That's what it's about. And if it exposes people to new music, even better! And if it gets people into playing real instruments then I'm even more thrilled.

I haven't tried or even watched.

If it's easy to learn and sounds good, aren't we looking at an eventual successor to electric strings?
I understand the 'looking down' on Guitar Hero (not that I'm saying you're looking down on it per se). Playing a real guitar or drums would be better. But not everyone has the time or money to do this. I certainly don't have the time.

I also understand the musicians who refused to allow their music on it - Led Zepplin and Prince come to mind. Prince said 'why not play a real guitar?' and Jimmy Page didn't want kids fake playing John Bonham's stuff.

But at the end of the day, it's just another way to enjoy music. That's how I view it anyway.