Has the internet been good for audio?

Before the internet, I'd go to 3 local stores and be a captive audience to whatever Stereophile told me. But now with the internet the retail stores have more competition and there are a lot more choices. Maybe too many. Some questions that run through my mind:
Is your system better because of the internet?
Was it worth the trouble?
What happens to the retail stores?
Were the simpler times better? I remember when Klipsch and Fried were the hot brands. From what I've been told, B&W actually made great speakers in the olden days.
Tvad - I list Audio Mart as my alma mater.

The internet has been a mixed blessing in my opinion. It has provided an opportunity for good startups to get a toehold and it has provided an opportunity for not so good startups to do so also.

The forest fire is still burning but I am hopeful for the outcome to be positive. There will be fewer trees but stronger ones.

If nothing else, the internet has certainly accelerated the process.
Sherod, I heard on Jay Leno that Home Depot is planning on opening some small, local hardware stores. Sort of like the ones they put out of business.
I should have clarified that the $48 in-store price was also from Wal-mart. Apparently Walmart is competing against itself. Either that or trying to discourage retail sales.
Yes, I understood you initially that Walmart was competing with itself. I'm not sure of their philosophy in doing this. To me, the store-bought item would be more expensive since there is more overhead involved. Bottom line is, do they insure themselves that either way, they keep the competition out and get the end business.

I also wanted to mention that the internet, in particular Audiogon, "has been bery, bery good to me". I have been able to audition many expensive components over the years and currently have a very nice system, mostly purchased used here on Audiogon at a substantial savings from new. Note: Some of my cables were purchased new, however, directly from the manufacturer, only possible through the internet.

Well I just put together a new $2500 system at 50% off msrp by buying demo items from stores who advertised here on Audiogon and Craig's List. I also just ordered a dozen or so DMP label Cd's from Acoustic Sounds, some as low as 99 cents, that I wouldn't have been able to get even at full price here. So it's good for me.
For the most part I only use the web to buy and sell used gear as it's the perfect venue. I use the web a lot when researching but I like supporting local dealers. Occasionally I will also buy new name brand gear via the internet.

I recently purchased my amp via a local dealer and the price was better than anyone on the web. Not able to afford the matching preamp new, I found a like new example for less than half of retail here on Audiogon. I also got a great deal on my sub via another local dealer.

I was hoping to buy my speakers locally but no one would move on the retail price. Fast forward six months later, I found them for almost half of retail from a well known dealer in CA. Although I hate shopping via the internet I was OK with this purchase because in a small way I was supporting local business, just not local to me.

I purchase locally because I want the dealers that spend time with me and treat me right to be there next year. Unfortunately the Internet has done to local audio dealers what WalMart has done to many local economies specifically Mom and Pop stores.

The only "Direct" company I have done business with is Channel Islands Audio. Aside from the great customer testimonies the real reason I purchased direct from CIAudio is Dusty Vawter's reputation and the fact that all their gear is made in the US.

The ID companies out there want you to believe you're getting state of the art at discount prices. What you are getting in most cases is their logo on some O.E.M's cookie cutter platform that's already outdated. If a company doesn't manufacture product doesn't that make them the middle man ? I just don't see where the savings are, not to mention the quality is just not there. I'll stick with auditioning and buying locally, the couple of hundred extra spent will be worth it a few years down the line when I'm still enjoying it.