Comments per Brand in Discussion Forums

Why is it that some brands attract so much commentary and kudos in the discussion forums, while others get relatively little by comparison?

Consider Wilson, Pass, Atma-Sphere, Dynavector among many others in the former category.

Basis, Van den Hul, Legacy among those in the latter.

Perhaps it is some combination of the following:

1. Relative success of manufacturer marketing efforts

2. Personal charisma of the manufacturer

3. Relative size of dealer network

4. Sheer number of owners of each brand (though how does it get this way?)

5. Some brands attract the kind of customer who is likely to be "loud and proud" on behalf of his purchases, while others attract a customer who is less likely to speak out (and if this is true, then, psychologically, why is it so?)

My belief is that the difference in number of comments is NOT a reflection of the relative merits of the equipment. Which is not necessarily to say that the "quiet" brands are better, but rather to insist that the oft-mentioned ones are not.
Detlof: I think your initial response is clearly relative
to this great topic. It is only through our experience and homework that we arrive at a system. We all started somewhere. In the beginning, we all had that inner fire for this thing of ours. Honestly, how many of us can honestly say that out of nowhere, we walked into a hifi shop and put together
an entirely musically satisfying system? I doubt many of us can say that. Why? Because when we knew that we liked audio, we sought out magazines like Stereo Review and Audio magazine,
and whatever came before and after that. And we lusted for the next issue just to see what would be in there. Then we were lured in by the great ads. Then we went to the store and found that that speaker wasn't really that good. And so on and so on. Then, came this wisdom with time. Then we got better paying jobs, then we afforded better equipment.
But let's go back to the original poster: How many of us,
at any time, dreamed of hearing that big krell on those big wilsons? Let's be honest here, advertising has a huge impact on what we think we want. Then we all got wiser.

its a given that this website's mission is to sell epuipment. the forum threads are going to mirror the classifieds.
Great topic Jim, you could ad several more brands in both categories. I would include VPI in the latter.
Thank you Jorge and how rightly you mirrored also my way to (relative) wisdom.
May your ears be blessed and your pocketbook filled (: