Anyone else miss audiophile nervosa?

It's been a good long while since I've felt the need to try and improve something on my system, and as I sit here listening to Dire Straights 'Brothers in Arms', I can't forsee that changing.
Problem is, I really miss the thrill of the hunt. Anybody else have similar experience?
Brothers in Arms will do that sometimes,best to stick to On any Street or Communique for complete contentment..Even better was back in 89-90??,not sure..anyway he was touring with Clapton and they would jam at the end of the show...pretty cool....hard to upgrade that sound...maybe use some Mesa Boogie stuff....?????
I've been hanging out here since 01 and have made countless upgrades over the years. Right now I'm at a place similar to Chadnliz; my system is ideal for the small room it's in. When I sit down to listen I am extremely happy with where the music takes me.
Although I have only met one other Audiogon member who is active with these threads, I feel like I know many of the people here as I've watched their systems evolve. Yes I still check the ads regularly but haven't purchased anything in a while. As my goal is not building the ultimate system, it would only be change for change's sake.
Hmmm, I should not have noted which album happened to be spinning when I started the thread. Next time I'll make sure it's "Kind of Blue" or something else that doesn't seem contriversial.
Thanks all for inspiring some thoughts. Rodman99999 - I think your point is very valid (what quality of recording to build your system around?). My solution is a different arm wand and cartridge for bright albums and a second digital source for bright cd's. I think that is part of the key to long term contentment, enough levers to pull to allow you to adjust for different characteristics of the recordings or just for different moods of the listener.
Others - you have succesfully created a twinge of audiophile nervosa. I can dream of the ideal listening room:).