
Responses from 4musica44107

Warmer CD sound sought - MCD 301 or 500 or REF CD7
Elberoth2,Thanks for confirming what my dealer told me as well about how the CD7 will continue to improve over the next several hundred hours. Then, when I think it can't get any better, I will get the free PS upgrade and enjoy it even more.Your s... 
Warmer CD sound sought - MCD 301 or 500 or REF CD7
Thanks so much for all of the above comments. It is always interesting, thought-provoking, and helpful to get the kind of input I have received so far.As it turned out, I got an opportunity I could not refuse and so was unable to complete the comp... 
What is the best full range Speaker ?
Of the many speakers that might work for you, the fairly efficient Devore Fidelity Gibbon Nine's might be worth your time to audition. They are impressively dynamic for their size, are quite detailed, image well, and have excellent bass and upper ... 
Optimal speaker size for given room, or drivers?
Your current listening room size is very close to mine. If you want a full range speaker that could work well in your current room and still be appropriate for a possible future smaller room, I recommend you consider the Vandersteen Wood Quatro's.... 
How does Meridian sound with Sonus Faber??
I've owned the SF Cremona Auditor M's for nearly 2 months and use them with a REL B2. I am using a Levinson 38S and 334 and 390S and the combination is stunningly detailed and musical. I did not hear the SF's with Meridian gear, but everything I h... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
The larger Latour Field Coil Speakers from Shindo Labs, driven by Shindo electronics, were the most musical speakers I have ever heard. If not for the WAF consideration, I would already own them! (That reminds me to check my lottery ticket for ton... 
Which Cremona line speaker for surrounds?
I have not heard the Cremona M's as they would not work in our LR, and I never considered the Elipsas. So for our LR 2-channel system, I ended up getting a pair of Auditor M's and extended their considerable bass response with a REL B-2. I got the...