
Responses from 8lanair

My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
How does the BAT 600se compare to the Pass Labs 250.8/350.8? 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Ref 10 Pass Labs 350.8 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
@ whitecamarossA Youtube channel would be good!!Keep up the good work, thanks. 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
I tried the Mad Scientist Graphene liquid As Ozzy said, it was  initially dark...Gave it couple of days, and things sounded better over time to me..I like it, but very messy to handle.. 
Pass X-250.8, X-250.5 or XA-30.8...or?
Good choice!!!You'll enjoy it.. 
Pass X-250.8, X-250.5 or XA-30.8...or?
What's the size of your room?Do you listen at a high SPL?These will have an impact on your choice...I have the X250.8 with Legacy Signature SE speakers in a 17x12x8 room, and that's good enough for me @ 75db-84dbThat being said, you can't have too... 
Audience's Ohno speaker cable & interconnect. Entry level fluff or serious cable ??
The Ohno is smoother on top, is easier to listen to.In terms of detail, they're close, with the edge going to the Ohno.The bass was a bit more pronounced in the AQ, but not a whole lot.As with any system, it just depends on the synergy, and your e... 
Audience's Ohno speaker cable & interconnect. Entry level fluff or serious cable ??
I'm using a bi-wire set for my speakers.It bettered my Audioquest Rocket 88.. 
You could also try Mad Scientist HAC..Very neutral, excellent stage.I'm using Pass XP 20, 250.8 and PS Audio Direct Stream with the same speakers you're using. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Any Updates?Been really quiet.... 
Audioquest Rocket 88 vs Audience OHono ll speaker cables
adg101That's interesting, was speaking with Paul form Clear Day last night about his cables.I wanted to do a trial, but I need 15' that will pose a problem for demo.I seriously considering these tho . 
Legacy Signature SE for 2 Channel
CsmgolfYou're spot on with the break in .The sound changed significantly for the better with break in.I started with the Ayre VX5se , everything about the sound was great except for a lack of bass.So moved on to a Pass X150.5Not as good mid and to... 
Legacy Signature SE for 2 Channel
Thanks.I was concerned that they were being touted as Home Theater speakers.The plan is to use a Pass X-150.5 amp with PS Audio Dac and Transport I'll post my findings, once I get it set up. 
My Parasound A21 review and VS Emotiva XPA
I've owned a lot of Emotiva gear over the years.Good starting point, but I've learned it has a lot to do with your ears, and how you interpret the sound.Recently I've started to phase out my Emotiva gear, with vast improvement after each piece was... 
The Emotiva Challenge
I've done that route of starting out with Emotiva.owned CD player they've made, several of their amplifiers, etc.After curiosity and affordability kicked in, I've gone PS Audio on the front end and now looking for an amp to complete my lust.The th...