
Responses from 93rubyz

Do we love our components more then ourselves ???
I've had several corporate relocations over the last 25 years. My audio equipment was always a concern, but I've always known that most of it is replaceable / repairable so any damages would be paid by the moving company.  I've got a lot of audio ... 
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced
The Juicy Music Audio pure class A Triode (pCAT) monoblock amplifiers are outstanding.  Unfortunately, they are discontinued, rare, and don't come up for sale often. 
Horn Speakers and Sub Woofers
They key to mating a sub with Klipschorns well is to use subs that can "keep up" with the Klipschorns -- a feat most home theater subs cannot do well.  By "keeping up" this implies keeping up with the high dyamics, low distortion, and high output ...