
Responses from aardvarkbark

Pass Labs
It's always those who can't and never will who piss and whine about those who can.If there's a market, why not?  Oh that's right -- because the Entitlement Nation can't tolerate others having what they can't have.  While they expect others to give... 
Is remastered mainly just less jitter?
This has been an informative read.  I was unaware of the DR website.  I listen to mostly acoustic jazz and classical and tend to find that most remasters of these genres are not just about loudness and compression, and are not geared toward the ea... 
Esoteric K01: What are the best settings for CD?
I've finally settled on 2X upsampling and FIR 2 filter for the mostly acoustic jazz and classical I listen to on redbook CDs.  Greater upsampling results in a blingy, too forward piano, and SDLY filters seem to add a veil similar to what Dolby did... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
Can't speak to the sound, but if you're considering spending this kinda coin, you should also be concerned about support and service.  I have an Ayre product, and when I called them, they coldly told me that they had dealers to deal with questions... 
Search for miracle integrated
True that PASS doesn't have killer cdp.  I use Esoteric K03X. 
Search for miracle integrated
Actually, I purchased my INT-250 from Mike after confirming with him and directly with Vitus by email that (two months ago) there was no authorized service center in the US and that a unit requiring repair would indeed have to go abroad.  They say... 
Search for miracle integrated
@melbguy1 -- I was considering the Vitus RI-100 since it's about the same price and has slightly more power.  Alas, Vitus does not have a service center in US.  In the unlikely event it would require service, I wouldn't be happy having to send it ... 
Search for miracle integrated
@austinbob -- ditto on the 'match the amp with the speaker' comment.  But I wonder how one decides where to start if not auditioning in pairs.  I recently upgraded to B&W 80s D2s (when learned no longer produced).  Paired with Ayre AX5Twenty i... 
Closest to pass labs int 250 or x250.8
I was just speaking to OP’s criteria, but FWIW -- INT-250 produces a broad and deep soundstage. I mostly listen to classical and acoustic jazz. This amp puts me center loge Orchestra Hall, Chicago. Absolutely brilliant. Bass you can feel in your s... 
Closest to pass labs int 250 or x250.8
Can't help you with the alternative, but I will confirm that the INT-250 has clear warm highs (plus defined bass).  It replaces an Ayre AX5Twenty whose highs were indeed way too bright for me (and failed to produce bass).