

Responses from abucktwoeighty

Fastest way to correct hifi system?
Don't be in such a hurry.  Take as long as you need until you're satisfied, otherwise you're wasting your time and money.  Then you'll have to start all over again. 
Whats playing on your system today?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frACynt8t0sPaolo Fresu Devil Quartet, "Desertico" 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
Just because some can't hear a difference doesn't they don't work.  Try some to see if you can hear a difference.  I've tried things that didn't do a thing for me, but work great for others.  Just because it didn't work for me doesn't have me prea... 
What's your latest album purchase?
Three albums by Mandolin Orange. 
Some of my favorite songs are......
Holy resurrection Batman!!! 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
  I use cable elevators to separate any interconnects from power cables.  This is only in a couple of spots where crossing couldn't be helped. 
Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?
  I was thinking about putting lube on the stylus, then thought that it's a minute layer between the groove and the stylus, and wondered if it takes a minute amount of signal away.  Kind of like putting a thin piece of plastic wrap around a microp... 
rising audio equipment prices:
I like vintage gear, and that has gone through the roof as well.http://www.ebay.com/itm/263008394145?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIThttp://www.ebay.com/itm/Marantz-2600-Super-Receiver-MAGNIFICENT-/161717821997 
Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?
I bought a bottle of Stylast, Last Stylus Treatment, System Formula 5 a couple (?) years back and haven't used one drop after I read this thread:https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/i-got-a-stylus-cleaning-kit-for-butDon't think I'll ever use it... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Just got Jimmy D. Lane with Double Trouble in the mail today.  It's an Analogue Productions Originals 45rpm recording so it sounds great. 
What's been playing on your turntable and what turntable is it ?
Since my post back in December I’ve been through a few cartridges. I thought the Benz I was using just needed some break-in time, but it turned out to be defective. Got a Lyra Delos that had excellent top end extension, but lacked enough bottom fo... 
The one that got away
dekay,   As I started reading your first sentence regarding the master cases my heart started beating wildly, only to crash severely. 
Finally absolutely satisfied with my system
I believe I've reached the same conclusion with mine.  Stay away from the audio shows to keep temptation at bay. 
Is the sound of ATL plug performing the best?
covfefe: collection of various falsehoods emanating from evil 
What's your latest album purchase?
Yesterday:Supersonic Blues Machine,  West Of Flushing, South Of FriscoThe Rides, Pierced ArrowSpyro Gyra, Catching the SunThis evening:Royal Southern Brotherhood, Royal GospelRoyal Southern Brotherhood, HeartSoulBlood