
Responses from acurus

pc vs mac, eac vs itunes
EAC is a pain in the butt and offers no advantage whatsoever over DBpoweramp which uses the identical error correction program which is what makes EAC so good. DBpoweramp is very easy to use and you can rip to whatever format you like. I used FLAC... 
Firewire to Balanced XLR Bridge
why not get a high end PCI audio card like a lynx or RME, then get a 9 pin to XLR out into your DAC. 
New Green Mountain Rios - has anyone heard them?
I have always been intrigued by the GMA products and the reviews, then I go to their website and look at them and I just cannot get past their looks. They have to be one of the ugliest speakers in all of high end. I wish I was not so shallow, but ... 
ProAc Response D1
I have found the D2 to be more relaxed, or better defined as not as resolving. They simply did not have the transparency that the D1s have. I actually preferred the D1 to the D2 for this reason. The D2 has more bass, but it is not like the D1 is r... 
Best Used Speaker Under $4,000 w/ Respectable Lows
When I read your description it fits my tastes exactly. I would recommend Proac Studio 140s or the D18s. 
Tbg, please don't believe my assertion as it is not one, but more so my actual results. There is nothing to disbelieve other than an honest guy who actually A/B'd this and is sharing the outcome hoping to save others the headache of what I went th... 
I have done extensive listening tests on rippers, ripping specs and options and playback software comparing WAV vs. AIFF vs. FLAC......hours of testing....hours upon hours as I was convinced WAV or AIFF has to sound better since it has no compress... 
Smallest speakers that ROCK
I am floored every time this type of question comes up. Some of those others there, and in my opinion especially the Dynaudios, are too polite and smooth for Rock. I find Proacs to excel at Rock, are small and attractive. 
Forward Monitor with Detail Speed and liquid Highs
Proac D1s fit your description exactly. You will not be disappointed. 
HDMI confusion: Monoprice vs. Blue Jeans
Saying some HDMIs look better than others is something I have never been able to tell. I have tried $5 monoprice cables versus some $200-$300 cables, and sory folks, no difference I could see. 
Wadia verses Meridian verses a Digital Server
As an aside I did extensive listening to all the major software products out there to listen to PC music. Media Monkey was among the poorer ones, maybe because I could not get the ASIO drivers working, but I did not like the sound at all. Jriver w... 
Help with final choice of efficient speakers
The Jazz modules are 10% taller, 20% deeper, and get this, 70% wider than the nines. In my book that is significantly bigger. But jut my opinions, I am really bent on getting something that does not take up my living room.Despite this I am very in... 
Help with final choice of efficient speakers
Audiokinesis are anything but compact and unassuming. I too was looking at something like the poster and everyone says Audiokinesis, then you look at the things and they are huge throwbacks from the 70's. 
Impossible? Small towers, efficient, musical, loud
I have been looking for the same thing, one word: PROAC.....really any model. Using with 30 watts solid state and they kick a**. Try Studio 140s to knowck your socks off, small footprint, elegant, rock like hell. 
Ripping 700 CD's to HD using FLAC-How much space?
many programs will read FLAC so you dont have to convert it. If you need to convert, check out is an incredible program. You may have to re-load artwork, but all tags should remain.