
Responses from allegro12

Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Onhwy61...that is an extremely interesting article...besides the topic at hand, reproduction of piano tonally... it also struck me how incredibly difficultit must be to record a truly fine large orchestral recording...we are really at the mercy of... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Apogees.....I own the Apogee Stages and piano is *breathtaking*.... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
This is the edited version (believe it or not)...The unit itself is not what I would call handsome. Silver...with way too much writing...and little silver M&M buttons on the black remote control...which although looked like a mismatch with the... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Hi Distortion...It's been a full week with this Jolida....and I need music surrounding me when I am home so it has been getting quite a workout....Muralman1 and everyone has stressed break-in so when I'm at work I leave it on repeat..... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Muralman....You are defintely not getting *some* of the email I'm sending you....Maybe you have a shared email address.....something's outta sync!....Sunday will be a big Jolida day here... ;) 
Jolida JD100. How good is it? it! :) 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Is there some trick to getting this cover off?It shouldn't be this hard....and I don't want to break it! 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Or if I have to crouch behind this AV rack one more time it may be Water-On-The-Knee! ;) 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Thanks, muralman...yes..I have had it on repeat since my first listen....and I am expecting the arrival of some more tubes today....Rachmaninov & Leo Kottke are waiting in the wings! 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
My JD-100 arrived's playing as I type....Sunday I will have lots of time to listen.....and swap tubes....I have a bevy of tubes to play with..............will I like it better than my Arcam Alpha CDP?We shall see.... :) 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
RKt008....I have been following this thread because my next purchase will most likely be the Jolida JD100...and not owning one yet I had nothing to add of interest until the discussion of Apogees arose...I too, up until last year was on a mission ... 
Strangest Tweak?'s carpeted kitty condos 
Strangest Tweak?
it balances out the uneven side wall reflection on one side....of course...if there's a kitty occupying it I have to adjust distance 
Any Piega p 10 users out there?
JTinn.....600 hours! Well....with my present speakers I figure I've had fatigue for 2 what's another6 months....I heard a speaker last month that I loved except for a *tinge* of concern...I need to know if it can be bettered....Price-wis... 
Any Piega p 10 users out there?
your response was helpful....I've already heard ribbons I like...but I want to be as sure as I can on this purchase... I think the final test for me is violins....