
Responses from ampus

Move to tubes: Ayon Crossfire or Triton, various
Check out Octave. Very musical and built like a tank. 
some of the best speaker cables under $250
I use Cullen cables and cannot be happier. 
AQ Earth interconnects..echo?
I have Earth interconnects in XLR and RCA configurations. Not a single problem. Very happy with them. 
Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?
Audioquest4life, how does your Octave Jubilee preamp and McIntosh 2301 combo sound compared to the Jubilee preamp and Jubilee mono's combo that you heard in Germany?Thanks! 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Parasound CD1. I had high expectation for the Parasound, but my cheaper Emotiva ERC-3 sounded better! 
dCS Puccini built-in preamplifier
Lidon,I am interested in your opinion about the Octave HP700. How does it sound compared to Octave 500SE and Jubilee preamp?Thank you! 
Audioquest Water
Thank you very much Ctsooner for finding the answers for us. This is a fun hobby. We get excited when new toys come out. 
Cullencable: XLR and speaker cables
I am sorry to offend Seaslave, I mean Seamaster. I agree with her that the lamp cords would work well in her Bose system!I have compared various cables and Yes, they do sound different. I also found out that the more expensive cables are not neces... 
Speaker cable recommendations
I was on a quest for the "best" speaker cable and came to the conclusion that there is absolutely no correlation between price and performance. I have Audioquest Rocket 88, Kubala, top of the line Crystal Cable, and recently added Cullen speaker c... 
Need advice on rich sounding cables
I have Focal Utopia speakers and tube amp / preamp. In my system, Cullen Speaker cables ($179 for a 8 ft pair) sound as good as my AQ and Kubala. Don't waste your money on speaker cables unless you are filthy rich and don't know what to do with yo...