
Responses from armandito

What Muiltichannel amp for Dali 800 MKII
Any one would like to comment? 
Dali Helicon 800 Mk2 are stunning ?
What preamp would any body recommend? right now I have also an onkyo SR805 to decode the new mltichannel formats. 
What Muiltichannel amp for Dali 800 MKII
By the way, I used to have the Simaudio titan 7, I loved it, but I was looking for someting a bit smaller in size. If I can find one I would buy in a hearbeat. 
What Muiltichannel amp for Dali 800 MKII
Dalis are Great,You are absolutely right. I also have that I forgot to metion is a an onkyo SR805 receiver. How can I use the onkyo right now with the pass? I would like to drive the 800 with the X350 and the rest of the speaker with the onkyo to ... 
Dali Helicon 800 Mk2 are stunning ?
I have a quick question for all you guys, What miltichannel amp would you guys recommend me to drive Dali Helicon 800 mk2? I currently have a pass lab X350 that I was thinking to sell in favor of a muitichannel amp, but I'm affraid to loose the po... 
For the money, Best set up for HT and music
Anybody care to tell me, what model of piooner receiver to use? 
For the money, Best set up for HT and music
BrutusabWhat model of pioneer blu ray are you using? 
Pass labs and dali
Thank you guys, any other dali owner wants to comment? 
Pass labs and dali
Anyone help? 
Pass Labs Power Cord
Tvad Who were you refering to when you used the word "quibbling"? as far as I know, I never set a price point for pc. I just wanted to get an idea from others audiogon members.That's all. by the way, thank you for your comments. 
Pass Labs Power Cord
Any recomendation without braking the bank? I see a lot of comment so far, but no direct recomendation? 
Pass Labs Power Cord
Please, keep us posted.Thanks 
Pass Labs Power Cord
Have anyone tried Shunyata pc with pass labs amps? I have also heard that the power supplies are so well designed and built that expensive power cords simply don't make much of a difference. anyone wants to comment? 
Economic Safe Way to Ship an Amp
Thanks everybody for all your help. I got the amp in safe and sounf with yellow freight. there was no sign of damage anywhere in the box, the amp was shipped in the original double box. I love this's a Pass Labs X350. The look is incredible... 
definitive tech mythos ST for hometheater
I just to be a martin logan fan. well maybe still I am. I would love to get my hands on a set of summit and separates. anybody else wants to coments?