
Responses from as1963

Preamp to match to McIntosh MC250
I drive mine with a McIntosh C34V in my second system - great preamp with lots of flexibility and, as Mdegeorgis said, keep it in good shape and you'll always get your money back if you change your mind. 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
Pubul57: "Are these 10 watts somehow more capable of driving speakers than the power rating would suggest? or do you really need 93-94db+ sensitive speakers to consider it?"Pubul, in addition to speaker sensitivity, you need to factor in: room siz... 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
Interesting how this thread has (d)evolved. Based on some of the replies you might have guessed that my original post said something to the effect of: "I am currently using a Shindo Cortese and I am soliciting suggestions for another amp." Instead... 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
David, I don't feel the *need* to answer your questions but I don't mind doing so - especially since you noted the friendly tone in my reply. We are all here to learn and discuss.My previous amp+speaker set up for 3+ years was McIntosh MC501s and ... 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
David: "Your over the top endorsement, however does make me curious as to what other SET amps you are comparing the Cortese performance with? Where is your base line? One man's 12 is another man's 5."Hi David!My "rating" is purely subjective and n... 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
Sbayne: "I've owned a number of Shindo amps and these posts/comments I certainly agree with. Also, there is no doubt guitarists know their amps and tubes!"Interesting comment. Yes, we guitarists care a lot about tone. Over the years, I've invested... 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
Aronss: You know that if we lived closer those Kensingtons you are selling would be mine by now :-). I know I said I no longer feel the *need* for bigger Tannoys - but it does not mean that I would not *like* to have them ... they look stunning! A... 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
6550c: "Why would someone want an audiophile amp to sound like a humbucker - muddy unclear mids and no highs? Single coils all the way for me for full range clean sound! :)"6550c, the humbucker vs. single-coil was just an analogy to help answer wi... 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
Keithr: "so you are trying to solve a problem that isn't on a majority of your music by using tone controls."Keith, you are right. I wrote this review rather quickly and I should have phrased things differently. A more correct statement would be: ... 
Shindo Cortese - First Impressions
Charles: "How does the tonality and timbre differ between the Cortese and the Montille?"Charles, the Montille was very lively and enjoyable. I love the sound of EL84 tubes (my favorite for guitar amps.) However, it lacked the smoothness of an SET ... 
McIntosh Preamp
Hi Hififile, are you saying that you preferred the sound of your previous McIntosh setup to the current one? I would not be too surprised, sometimes newer is not better.Alberto 
Integrated McIntosh vs. separates
C220 + MC252 is a great combination. Check out the review of that very combo on YouTube. 
SF Guarneri Homage vs Harbeth 7ES3
After trying many different subs from $500 to $3K, I finally matched my SF GH with a REL T-2. The right sub makes quite a big difference and I am thinking of getting a second T-2 to even out some room modes. 
McIntosh MC252 amp
I posted a video review of the McIntosh MC252 on YouTube.Just go to YouTube and search for "MC252 review".I bought mine 1.5 years ago and I am still listening to it practically every day. It's the longest I've gone without a strong urge to upgrade... 
Any cartridges like Shure, but more exciting?
>interesting, i had thought about the 440mla... >but read a lot of folks describing it as on the >brighter side of tonal balance?I hate bright (vinyl, tubes, soft-dome tweeters are my favs).The AT440ml *IS* bright. The 440mlA is just RIGH...