
Responses from beatlebum

What high-end cdp for low-end quality CD's ?
Lugnut offers some good and thoughtful comments. I recently aquired an Audio Note CD 3.1x cd player that has really made a marked improvement in my system. Great detail, air, dynamics and superb bass all the while remaining smooth and rich soundin... 
Recommendation for a cd player-tricky question
Adam,Believe it or not, you really should pick up a Toshiba 3950 or 3960. Check out the discussions over at AA. Now, I'm not sayin' it's the end all be all of cd players by any means, but dimension-wise it fits your needs and it's a pretty damned ... 
Upgrades to Cary 308t CD player
Alexander,I just sold my Cary 308T but I tried several different tubes with it. I liked the Telefunkens and thought they were good but the early 1960's NOS Amperex 7316 were far and away the best allaround sounding tube in this player in my system. 
Greatest rhythm sections
Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman! 
Greatest Rock Guitar Riffs
You're all forgettin' probably the greatest riff of all time:Oh Pretty Woman - Roy OrbisonHonorable mentions:Day Tripper - The BeatlesSmells Like Teen Spirit - NirvanaDirty Water (Oh Boston You're My Home!) - The StandellsWhole Lotta Love - Led Ze... 
JAN / Phillips 5814A / 12AU7 Tube
Bigkidz, I've accumulated a small collection of both 12AU7's (cd player) and 6922's (preamp). In my Cary 308T cd player, I've tried Mullard's 12AU7 (nice sound, rich but a little rolled off at the top or dark sounding), RCA 5814 Black tops (Very n... 
Material Specifications/Layout for AC line
Hey Sean or Ernie,One more question if you don't mind. With my three dedicated circuits, I have the preamp (20 amp) circuit and the digital components circuit (20 amp) on one side of my panel and my amp circuit (30amp breaker) on the other side. I... 
Material Specifications/Layout for AC line
Thanks to all of you for all your help and assistance!Tim 
Material Specifications/Layout for AC line
Update (if anyone cares!),I've run my 3 dedicated lines as follows:(1) 30 amp circuit breaker/10 gauge stranded THHN/Hubbell 5362IG 20 amp hopsital grade white noise eliminating outlets.(2) 20 amp circuits with 20 amp circuit breakers/12 gauge str... 
Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase
I've undertaken at least a dozen covert operations, since entering into this hobby, that would make a Navy Seal proud. Wife "Is that a new stereo thingy?" Me "Nah honey I've had that for awhile now." or "Why yes it is dear! I traded a guy straight... 
What is the best Beatle Song
For me, "Ticket To Ride" changed everything in pop music forever. John Lennon's lyrics depicting his girlfriend and he living together (unheard of at that time in pop music), use of phrases like " bringing her down yeah..", etc., Ringo's kicka... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
While neither is "technically" a great guitarist, to my ears, Keith Richards and The Edge each bring a certain and unique sound to the table that I love. Chet Atkins produced the purist sound I've ever heard from a guitar. 
Question for Tragically Hip fans
Tgi,Pick up "Phantom Power" almost anywhere. Barnes and Nobles website is great to order cd's from as they have almost anything. My brother and I are huge Hip fans. PP is a great rock record that has some real gems on it. Check it out! I don't thi... 
Material Specifications/Layout for AC line
Tom,Thanks and will do! 
Material Specifications/Layout for AC line
First of all, Thanks to all for the replies received so far. After reviewing these and others in the archives, here's my plan:Run (3) 20 amp dedicated lines. One for amplifier(s) with 2 additional oultets for possible future mono-blocks (nudge nud...