
Responses from bmckenney

Phono preamp question
What full linestage or phonostage are you using? What is the total gain of the linestage? and MM phono? and MC phono? Another option is to use a 10, 15, 20 times stepup transformer with the MM section. Which stepup multiplier to use depends on how... 
Eurolab premier turntable.
I have been down this road. I don't know how Morch managed to do it, but the price of the arms seems to be the same across the globe. You can't get it any cheaper in Denmark or any other Netherland country. However, Hart is a pretty greedy guy and... 
Eurolab premier turntable.
I had a look at the pricing from the Denmark distr. for Scheu and converted their Kronars or whatever they are to US$$$ and it was around $1800 for the basic Premier for a single 9 inch config. 
Eurolab premier turntable.
I don't know what you mean by Hudson being a direct link to Eurolab. I believe that Eurolab is the name of the real Scheu Premier model that Hart of AA came up with for the US market. Or Eurolab is a name for one of the other Scheu tables carried ... 
Eurolab premier turntable.
Why don't you but a new Scheu Premier directly instead of helping the US dist. clear out stock he is not a dist. for anymore and probably won't give you warranty work on? You can get a Scheu table for around $1500 or so, with full warranty. Sweet ... 
My new Well Tempered and opinions as to Isolation
I do not work for a company that sells isolation devices so you should trust me, not that other guy.I do not own a WT table, and after once owning a Teres, I will never own a Teres again. Sorry.But, I do own a GreaterRanges Neuance shelf that is c... 
phono cable suggestions..
Question for Steve at hififarmCan you explain what you mean by loading as it relates to tt phono cables? I assume this has something to do with impedences and matching a cartridge and phonostage and the effect that cables have on loading. Is this ... 
phono cable suggestions..
the only dedicated cable I know of is the silver audio silver breeze. It costs around $500 for this cable so its not cheap, and discounts are not easily found as silver audio doesn't give hardly any margin to dealers. Other cables to consider are ... 
Gram Slee Mk V. to EAR to new cartidge????
What you say you are missing when listening to vinyl is what should be there and is one of the reasons vinyl sounds better than CD. If you are missing presence and whatever you mean by human-ness with the analog, and your digital has a taller soun... 
A difficult LP reproduction question
Mingda and chineese tube gear.....I was considering that one too, but I am worried about service and reliability of any attractive 'affordable' gear from China. I believe that some of this stuff can be serviced in north america, but....As for doin... 
EAR 834 and Shelter 501
The 501 isn't really all that low output. I assume you refer to the MC version of the 834. I have both pieces, and used to hook the 834P direct to my amps using the 834P alps pot with somewhat ineffecient speakers and had no problems at all. If yo... 
A difficult LP reproduction question
What about the GSL Jazz Club phonostage, which is designed specifically for the 78 rpm record.If you don't need one specifically for 78 then the EAR 834P is certainly a very nice phonostage but when bought new its the most expensive one on your li... 
VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?
Par3n1If you are the adventorous sort you should go for Gerts mod. I have heard that the heavy orbe platter with the denso damp isn't all that its made out to be too. Especially the denso damp. The platter might be a good upgrade though. That migh... 
VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?
Hi par3n1,I only know what I read on his website. The armboard kit looks like something that is affordable, reverseable and effective so I would like to give it a shot after I complete a couple of other projects first. The main chassis suspension ... 
VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?
4yanx,>>Was it soley on the basis of PRAT?Sort of. In addition to that, I believe that the target wall mount and shelves (custom Skylan and/or Neuance) I have were not the best match for a high mass deck so its an implementation/environment ...