
Responses from bob52r

Pass X-250 Owners Power Cable of Choice
i use aleph 1.2 monoblocks. i've tried custom pc 11, whale eel, harm tech etc... final choice and far from the most expensive: bob crumbs TG hsra serII. this cord is 90% to 95%of the $500+ cords[black momba, synergistic reserch]-tight deep bass/we... 
Tubelike solid state: Ayre Vs Aleph
try the aleph 1.2--sweet midrange and trebble, imaging to die for and good ,not great bass thru my b&w 802's. power cords make a world of difference. i was spoiled by the bass of my old krell with these speakers[aleph's just don't have that ti... 
can anyone else share their exp 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
my pass aleph 1.2 will put out a clean 105db on the rat shack meter thru b&w 802 serIII which aren't that efficient.i guess i'm leaning more towards peaks, but it's not comfortable to listen to the hi db for long time periods--more than ten mi... 
pass aleph 1.2-speakers to pair w/; 4-6,000
brightness? can the aleph's control the bass? correctness of timber? aleph 1.2 is 200watts@8ohms/300@4ohms. the thiel line goes to low # of ohms very low in the low bass?ANYONE RUN THE big thiels w/ the aleph's???????bob 
kimber select 1021 w/ 1011or harm tech prosilwyII
HELP_i'm the original poster on this topic running pass amps& sony sacd777es via select 1021. i tried connecting my pre to amp w/ Harm Tech prosillwayII xlr.the pro-sil was just too bright on too many discs.SHOULD THE SELECT 1021 cause a simul... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
CALLING DUKE< PLEASE COME TO THE INFORMATION BOOTHas i've nosing around, i read w/ great interest the knowledgible and honest explanations of a member on audioassylum explaning planar speakers[maggies and sound labs] to the members on the assyl... 
Best SS 200 wpc amps
i was on the same mission. the simw-5 is great and mates very well w/ 802. i got a great deal on pass aleph 1.2--a marriage made in heaven. got my pair for $5000. the extra power and current really opens up the 802's--more transparency, livelier s... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
AMEN------thanks for everyone's help and pleasant thoughtsi'm going to place a new posting inquirying about silverline sonata speakers. a number of owners emailed me raving about the quality of the speakers.THANKSbob from miami 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
audiokinises--how would i arrange home demo's of the lines you suggest. local dealers hold up a cross when they hear the words: "home demo" i am in miami, fl 33133. i would not feal comfortable w/o a local "in shop demo" first; and after i kick so... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
where is the PIEGA dealer in florida. does piega have a website? address? there was a listing for new piega 10's for $7000. the cables salesman--who sells the german cables-- had purchased the piegas in europe. everything i've read about the piega... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
IN MIAMI,FL. it's also impossible to get demo'ed in an intellegent manner in miami & home demo--forget it. my mono blks are each 120lbs--i can't bring them to the shop.i would love to hear the avanti's w/ amps which are in any way simular to m... 
new speakers/used/demo- 4K- 6K
AUDIOKINESIS--thank you for taking the time to put together your response. it might be easier to say which areas of concern are less important to me. the dunlevy 4a's are too large for my room--which is my living room. i first heard the aleph1.2's... 
B&W 802 seriesIII-effect of Northcreek cross overs
audiopath-any more neutral speaker rec's. i purchased the 802's during a former lifetime. i was a "krell man" during that incarnation--w/ great slam'n bass and lot's of hi-energy distortion which required mit cables to cure. BOB 
B&W 802 seriesIII-effect of Northcreek cross overs
THANKS for comments on tweaking my 802's. i'd appreciate more ideas. eg. do the TEKNA vibration absorbers improve the matrix box???? i'm using vibrpods topped by lead shoton top of the woofer-box/behind the mid-range head--seems to clean-up the ba...