
Responses from brianmgrarcom

Vandersteen 5a or Krell Lat-1's
There are no absolutes.You forgot "IMO". ;) 
With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
I would audition a pair of Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8's. I just ordered my pair today and I found out that they have dropped the price to about $22,400. I am paying $23,400 ( I am ordering a special color). I have been told that they are coming out... 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
That means wav is copying 99.99% of the information on the cd disk and apple lossless doesn't because the file size is less than half of wav. So apple lossless is not really lossless because it is cmpressed. Armyvet, Dtc explained what I was getti... 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
Apple lossles does compress audio not much but it does. You talk not of what you know. 
Integrated Amp - Looking to replace my amp & pre
McIntosh MA7000Pass Labs INT150 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
Peter is correct Audiowoman. The option you speak of is designed to convert a full size file, like a .wav, to Apple Lossless.Brian 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
I experimented with two tracks, one from Diana Krall and one from Keb' Mo'.I already had these on my iPod in Apple Lossless, I use a Wadia iTransport.I copied these two tracks using EAC as .wav files and copied them into iTunes. I then used the iT... 
WAV or Apple Lossless Encoder?
I am going to experiment with Peter's suggestion but I have a question. I downloaded EAC today and copied a couple music files. When I insert a CD, EAC lists all the tracks but no information, no album name, artist name, track names, etc. Do I hav... 
New Krell s300i vs. the older 400/300
Interesting results Dave. I was a bit surprised when I read you sold the 400 for the 300 because, as I recall, you sold an evo rig for the 400 and the 300 is supposed to be more like the evo gear, from what I read. Brian 
PS Audio DL 3 or MF Tri Vista 21 DAC?
Brian claims transports may not make much difference as long as the DAC reclocks the signal. I don't agree, all DACs reclock the signal, some do a better job than others...We all have our opinions. While mine is based on a little experience, I als... 
PS Audio DL 3 or MF Tri Vista 21 DAC?
Whatever DAC you chose, just be sure it reclocks the signal. If it does, it is my opinion the transport will not make such a difference as Sns alludes.I haven't experiemented with coax cables to the level as others have, but the two I did I could ... 
Should a Furman power conditioner Buzz?
Call Furman. I purchased a unit just over a month ago and had quesions and found their customer service to be excellent.Brian 
What time do you wear?
Excellent John...wish we could post pictures. 
Fellow McIntosh users - New table top radio
Funny how that is, because I think it looks great, then again I own Mac gear and really like their look. I read this on another site, "The MXA-60 ($6000-$8000 when available) is the office system for McIntosh fanatics." Ouch. 
Help me get the most out of my Merlin TSM MX
Its is like putting premium pepperoni on a soggy pizza. Are you saying his amp sucks?