
Responses from brianmgrarcom

Performance of $1000 DAC's
Sorry Sugarbie, I don't follow your reply at all. As for not carrying what other people think, if we didn't want to solicit other peoples opinions there would be no reason for these forums.My recent questioning/concern of $1000 DAC's sounding thin... 
Has anyone heard the new Mcintosh ma7000 ???
I agree Florian, I too suspect its days are numbered. 
Has anyone heard the new Mcintosh ma7000 ???
Florian, I suppose it matters little which way one views it. I asked Ron directly and he only replied they no longer build the MA6500 but all other models are in production; I assume his response was to point out that nothing has replaced the MA69... 
Has anyone heard the new Mcintosh ma7000 ???
What are you basing this assertion on Florian? The MA6600 is 200 watts with autoformers, like the MA6900; the MA6500 does not have autoformers, there is a new(er) MA6300 w/o autoformers.Here is a quote I took from a dealer Web page found online, "... 
Benchmark VS older ultrahigh end dac's in these...
With all the responses I am surprised there hasn't been a mention of the Bel Canto DAC 3...any comments on the DAC3 compared to the Benchmark...or others? 
Has anyone heard the new Mcintosh ma7000 ???
Shsu is correct, the 6600 replaces the 6900. I was able to hear the 7000 this weekend at a show, AKFEST, in Livonia, MI, unfortunately I very much disliked the speakers it was connected to. Aball (Authur) has posted some comments about it on these... 
Wadia iTransport
I saw one yesterday (5-04-08) at the AKFEST and I liked what I saw, although there really isn't much to see. :)Unfortunately the system it was connected to had speakers I didn't care for, which was unfortunate because they were also using a McInto... 
What is the benefit of a good transport?
:) Now we are getting into areas where those with more knowledge will have to chime in; I suspect there may be a little more to the reading (transport) side of things, but how much, great question, hence the reason of the post. Also, the DAC must ... 
What is the benefit of a good transport?
I am no expert either, so those with more knowledge than I feel free to correct me.The DAC doesn't "know" the signal needs reclocked, if a DAC is designed to reclock it will do this every time. As noted before, the "clocking" information is sent v... 
What is the benefit of a good transport?
It is my understanding that jitter can be dealt with at the transport level, the DAC level or both for that matter. A signal is passed, along with the ones and zeros, to the DAC and if the DAC is designed to reclock the signal, jitter is dealt with. 
Balanced versa single-ended
In my opinion it can have more to do with the manufactuers design of the gear you own than any difference in the cable types, contact them for their opinion. 
why do peple think ipods are just for bkgrd music
Usaarmy91, sorry if I am putting words in your mouth, but you do make comments that come across negative to me.I would use the wadia 170 dock as background music. I am not knocking the wadia but its not a ipod transport. Also:Yes the msb bypasses ... 
why do peple think ipods are just for bkgrd music
It (the MSB) is a true transport that deals with the jitter just like the cd transport. Now you have ipod docks like the wadia 170 all it does is bypass the ipods dac. I would use the wadia 170 dock as background music. Iam not knocking the wadia ... 
Top Ten Tuners of all Time??
Geor, I posted to this thread back on 10/11/2000 and I mentioned I was just venturing into tuners and ended with giving a "plug" for the Fanfare. In hindsight I am grateful I purchased that tuner as I have greatly enjoyed using a tuner since that ... 
McIntosh MC402 Burn in Period ? Very Impressed
Next to none.