
Responses from btselect

Need tube 101 info
Get a hold of Jim Mcshane and ask about the current New Sensor Gold Lion series of 6922, and 6V6 tubes, which I believe your preamp uses. 
Rogue M-180 vs BAT vk150se
Sorry after checking the speakers you are using, I would recommend a high powered solid state amp, and not a tube amp. So if you insist on tube power I would have to say get another speaker. Running tube and solid state power don't match, get a sp... 
Rogue M-180 vs BAT vk150se
I would think the BAT is quite a step above the Rogue, unfortunately they require a lot more maintenance and know how to get their full potential, these amps are difinitely not plug and play units. For one thing they could be over 10 years old, ri... 
Is my Pass amp overheating?
I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill, I would just get a fan or two, place one under the amp and or one on top of the amp sucking out. I recommend using the Noctua NF-P14FLX fan. 
speakers for BAT vk-55 mono blocks
I very good match with your current monos are the Audio Physic Scropio first generation speaker, and there is one for sale currently for $2,000 here on audiogon. A full sounding speaker like the 2ce, but betters them in just about every aspect of ... 
dedicated power line for audio equipment
First get a electrician who is good with commercial installations. Pull a 100 amp feed and wire it to a Square D commercial panel with a on and off capability (switch or breaker), make sure it has enough circuits (one for each component). Make sur... 
Rookie; replace my own amplifier caps??
True temperature is a key factor but also listed are other factors. I like to use cars as an example because we all can relate to it. The old lady down the road that uses her car once a week to go shopping a block away going 20mph versus a young m... 
Do powercords make a difference in sound?
Just another point of view, a key question is why so many different points of views and results. The first step in building a stereo or home theatre system should be the electrical, the level of electrical would determine what type of components y... 
Upgraded power cables- Who's on First?
I second that, and also add that the minimum gauge be at least 10 gauge, and a dedicated line for each component to start.