
Responses from char2

DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....
Hello everybody:I was in a conversation with an excellent mfg of high end speaker cables. And he said "Charlie try the Denafrips". Having no mind of my own I thought ok? So which model to try and if I like a junior version how would I go about aud... 
Good monitor speakers for 300B amps.
I used AudioNote 300b's with Reference 3A decapo's (be) for over a year and half before I moved on to a Pass 30.8.  The Decapo's with the audionote amps were very seductive,  their imaging and instrumental tonality was just wonderful.  I spent man... 
What is an excellent power cable?
Xenon,I second-thirds? oh what the heck I would like to reiterate what Samac and Nonoise said at the begining of this thread about Cullen PC Crossover 2's. They PC's take a little bit of time to break in BUT when they do they add a wonderful neutr... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
whitecamaroosI apologize for my ADD but I cant find in this thread how the pass 250.8 compares to the last few amps mentioned in this thread. Forgive me for my inability to follow your thread.Best alwaysCharlie 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
Hi Rv,I have a feeling that when you get your "stuff" back from Schitt that it will work wonderfully with your Cambridge. I want to be straight with you I have heard a break-in period with the Cambridge. But for people who don't think that stuff b... 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
Hi,I have had the Cambridge Transport for two months and I did hear some improved difference in the sound of the transport going into the Gumby DAC over a five day period of use. Strangely the subjective output volume of the DAC  (which is supoose... 
The New Nola Boxer 2 upgraded to a 2S
Hi Mike, Just got off the plane coming back to Florida from RMAF. I'll be brief. I have never heard the Boxer 2's. So I can not do a comparison between the Boxer 2 and the 2s'. What I liked about the 2s' were their incredible natural relaxed sound... 
The New Nola Boxer 2 upgraded to a 2S
I meant that I also may also buy the Harbeth's to replace my current speakers. Sorry it has been a long day. 
The New Nola Boxer 2 upgraded to a 2S
Just heard them at RMAF probably will buy them to replace my Reference decapo be's or maybe the Harbeth 30.2's. Both speakers were really so much better than most of the stuff at RMAF. In many ways there were so many mediocre high priced speakers ... 
Which Referance 3A Dulcets Be / MM Decapo Be or Episode Be
Hi Kelvin,I have had the the Decapo Be's  for about two years. They are just great wonderful fun speakers! They are great with all kinds of music BUT they do prefer a medium size room to get the best out of them. I have used tubes 300b push pull (... 
Power amp for Reference 3A speakers?
I think you will love those speakers. I have had the Reference 3A Decapos for a couple of years. I tried them with a Pass 30.5 and it was a little flat. A friend of mine in the industry recommended tube amplifiers with the Decapos' so having no mi... 
The one component that you wish you had not bought
A brand new $4,000 turntable ( I won't mention the company's name because they make good turntables). It's just that I had forgotten all the problems with vinyl, pops, clicks surface noise, having to clean the records, set up etc. Give me a good q... 
Reference 3A or Mark & Daniel or...
Hi,I have loved the De Capos (BE's) for the last two years  and I can say that they are wonderful. They work great with tubes (300'bs) and excellent solid state amps. Off the cuff the best amp I have used with the De Capos is the Pass 30.8. A rela...