Power amp for Reference 3A speakers?

Hi, I bougth a pair of Reference 3A MM DeCapo-i speakers, and I want to know if somebody can tell me about a good power amp or mono blocks to hear the best about these speakers. Thanks!
does anyone have an opinion about Rogue Audio Cronus driving Reference 3a DeCapos?
I had those monitors for years powered by a simply gorgeous LSA Statement integrated (hybrid tube pre- and ss output). Loved them.

You may want to ask @Rebbi for his advice. He had de Capos for years and tried a variety of amps with them.
I think you will love those speakers. I have had the Reference 3A Decapos for a couple of years. I tried them with a Pass 30.5 and it was a little flat. A friend of mine in the industry recommended tube amplifiers with the Decapos' so having no mind of my own, I went out and bought a pair of audio note push/pull 300b monos. OH they were really good, three dimensionality, clarity / texture you know all the stuff we always hope for but actually never experience. Then not satisfied (yes I have the audio OCD disease) I bought some really expensive Sophia 300 b replacement tubes and put them in the mono blocks and everything was even better in fact much better, I was in heaven...until one of the tubes blew up ouch! Frustrated I sold the 300b's and bought a pass 30.8. It was terrible at first BUT when it finally broke in it was absolutely FANTASTIC!!!! If you are interested in auditioning the pass 30.8 call Mark at Reno HiFi he's the best and he has a wonderful home audition policy. BTW someone above mentioned Rebbi and he is very knowledgeable about about the 3a' amplifier interface .
Best Charlie

I received my Rogue Cronus Magnum via UPS today. I'm expecting a big improvement over my JoLida 302b. Source components are very basic, Oppo universal disc player and ProJect Debut table. Speakers remain...Reference 3a DaCapos

Just an update to my previous post...

The Primaluna piece was so nice that I moved up the line to a

Dialogue Premium integrated . Just more of everything that the Prologue II had . Quite pleased .