

Responses from chattaudio

Thinking about upgrading, but wondering about diminishing returns
+1 for going to an audio show.  I've only been to one - RMAF, but it was so worth it, and for several reasons.  First - you get to check out a ton of systems, starting from $1,500 all the way to high six digits.  Second, you get to find out where ... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
+1 for D-Sonic.  Great build quality, no-nonsense design (some people see it as a bad thing, but I love black equipment with blue LEDs on them)!  Ton of power, they are awesome on Magnepans, which are very inefficient. 
Best Preamp New or Used up to $3,000 ??
Has anyone mentioned Cary SLP 98? 
What's your definition of analog smell?
No, @mental - Jack came along much later in life. I was a teenager while I was messing with tube reel to reels, etc.  LOL @tpreaves! 
What's your definition of analog smell?
Some great examples of analog smells!  I may also add one (not a definition, but a nice memory) - opening a brand new Maxell chrome cassette tape and smelling it upside down...no other tape smells like Maxell. I have tapes that are 30 years old, a... 
What were your humble beginnings on the path to high end audio?
Growing up in Communist time USSR, hi-fi, mid-fi or even low-fi was hard to come by. Started out with a Soviet-made Melodia turntable receiver with stock speakers (see link below if you are having hard time imagining turntable receiver).https://ww... 
Preamp under $2,000 used
Cary SLP-98.  There is one on Audiogon right now, with phono stage and a desirable F1 upgrade.  You could probably negotiate very close to $2,000.  You'll be hard pressed to do better for $2k.  I own one (without phono stage) and it's awesome, ver... 
Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?
Mcintosh MA9000 sounds awesome.  Loads of power, all the connections you'll ever need, superb DAC, MC/MM phono stage, tone controls.  Two problems: it weighs 100 lb and costs $10K. 
I’d appreciate opinions from RMAF 2017 Show attendees on the Elac Adante AF61
They sounded good, maybe just a touch of metallic coloration in the upper highs.  It most certainly was not the best sounding room at the show, at least not to my ears.  It was probably very close to the best room for the money.  I agree with shof... 
Question about caps in vintage power monoblocks
Thanks for your replies, folks!  The pair of monoblocks in question is Denon POA-6600.  Denon is not a brand known to cut corners, at least not back then.  Specifications suggest that at least at the time of their release these monoblocks were dan... 
Question about caps in vintage power monoblocks
Thanks, jond! 
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K
"Gunned" Magnepans with a good amp behind them.indiespinzone.com/magnestand.html 
I don't know if I would venture into 3.3 territory, Maggies that old are bound to have delamination issues.  Just as an FYI - John does not recommend any .7 Maggies, at least not if the long term goal is to have them modded.  He explains in detail... 
kythyn - I am in the same boat with you, I am saving up for a better amp and currently powering them with a make do 250 wpc amp. They sound good, but one can clearly tell they could use more power. As far as upgrading goes - John recommends three ... 
MMGs flat with Complex Music
Try more clean power.  250 wpc is not all that much for Maggies.  Better yet, have them gunned.  You'll gain 6 db of efficiency witn the new crossover.  It's not a cheap process, but it's sooo worth it.  I had my 12s done last year, they came back...