
Responses from circleman

VTL B+ Fuses
If your interested in some hi-end fuses check out this link use these in my VTL MB-185 and they sound great 
Speaker cable for CJ LPS70 and Sonus Faber Cremona
Hi JohnI also have the Cremonas and understand how important it is to have the right associated equipment & cables to make them really sing. It sounds like your willing to spend whatever it takes to find the right cables. I certainly can't mak... 
Best Amp for Sonus Faber Cremona Series
Grakesh,The Plinius may be everything your looking for. It certainly will take control of the speakers in a very authoritative way. Bass control is one of it's strong points. It's also very extended and airy up top whichreally sounds good with the... 
Best Amp for Sonus Faber Cremona Series
GrakeshI personally have not tried a tube integrated with the Cremonas. However I've emailed the SF distributor with similar questions. They said they use VAC and ARC amps atthe shows. Also I spoke with Kevin at Upsale Audio who strongly recommend... 
Best Amp for Sonus Faber Cremona Series
Yes I have a 9200 with the Cremona Floorstanders and like itvery much. Like others here I would say it depends on your priorities. I've had this combo for about 6 months so everything is pretty much broke in. The sound is musical &involving wi... 
Is Plinius 9200 much better than 8200 MK II?
I have the Sonus Faber Cremonas. The 9200 should drive your Forrest without any problem as far as power goes. Since I haven't heard your speakers I can't comment on the amp/spkrsnyergy. From your previous post I see you like solid stateamps and th... 
Is Plinius 9200 much better than 8200 MK II?
I have owned both of these and the 9200 is a major step up from the 8200mk2 in all areas. I have had the 9200 for 2 years now. I remember the increase in transparency and frequency extremes being the most notable differences between the two. Havin... 
Sonus Faber Cremona I need input on this
The Cremona's are worth the drive. You should try to hear them at home with your system and your music to really get a handle on how they will sound. It will be worth it and you will know. After 4 months with the Cremona's this is only one aspect ... 
S.F. Cremona vs Wilson Benesch Curves
I was considering both of these speakers but after hearing the Cremona's with a McIntosh tube amp the search was over.I'm sure the Curves are great speakers, I have the WB Circle turntable (you guested it-Circleman) and am very happy with it. This... 
Plinius 9200 vs Moon I-5 LE
I can't comment on the GP's but I'm using a 9200 to drive my new Cremona's (floorstanders) and the synergy is very musical & involving. The 9200 does a fine job of getting you back into the music as opposed to analyzing everything to death. Th... 
ATTN: Plinius 8100, 8200, 9100, 9200 Owners
I'm using an AH Njoeb Tjoeb 4000 with the upsampler and Siemens 7308 tubes with very musical results. With a tubed cdpyou can tailor the sound to your liking and to your system synergy.So your not stuck with the stock sound of a cdp. I prefer to l... 
Plinius 9200
This is my 2nd Plinius integrated amp and I just wanted to share some of my impressions of the 92 vs the 82mk2. The first thing I noticed was the increase at both frequency extremes. My Thiel 2.3's sounded like they gained another half an octave i...