
Responses from ckniker

Any insight with the Berkeley Alpha DAC ..??
I listened to the Berkeley Alpha DAC last week and came away very impressed. The setup was not optimal yet it was easily the best sound I've heard from a digital source (I'm an analog guy). The alpha DAC was being used only as a converter for a Cd... 
Zappa plays Zappa
On a somewhat related topic, is there a good vinyl pressing of Overnite Sensation? I've bought two different versions off of ebay with very disappointing results.They are easily the worst recorded/mastered records in my entire vinyl collection.I a... 
Dynaudio C1 + Mcintosh 275 amp, do they match?
I'm driving my C1's beautifully with a "50 Watt" EL34-based Lectron tube amp. Prior to owning my Lectron, I was driving the C1's with a Simaudio I-7 Solid State (150 Watt) Integrated Amp.I've had no problems driving the C1's with either or these a... 
Shindo VS Doshi
I am a fairly recent Doshi owner so I may not have the wealth of experience that others have. However, I have yet to listen to a single tube combination in which the Alaap doesn't fantastic. (i.e. I don't think you can go wrong with whatever you c... 
Best protractor for aligning to cantilever
I, too, have the Universal WallyTractor. I'm glad I bought it (over the non-Universal) simply because I've changed tonearms in the time that I've owned it.If I had my druthers, however, I'd prefer the non-Universal WallyTractor. The null points (w... 
For those using 'Holographic Mylar' as a tt drive
DougDeacn found a site that carries 1" splicing tape a while back (see below). Unfortunately, they are in and out of stock so I'd check back often. I tried ordering some a couple of months ago and they were out of stock. After trying again a month... 
DIY Rack
Beautiful looking and (seemingly) simple to make. Great job Brandon!What kind of joinery did you use to attach the rails to the legs?Chris 
12 inch tonearms
RE: damaged review sampleI'd be happy to take the damaged review sample off your hands ;-).Seriously, though, I read the review and thought the reviewer didn't have a clue. His only negative comments appear to come from the fact that the Schroeder... 
Stupid?? Phono Pre question...break in
I found that mine (Gold Reflex) required more than just leaving it on for 72 hours. Mine gradually and continually sounded better after listening for about 3 weeks.I also tried speeding up the burn-in process by hooking up my CD player to the phon... 
Best USB DAC implimenting I2S under $2.5K?
The Musical Fidelity X-DACv8 has a USB port (I2S?) input on its DAC. This DAC is well below US$2500.I evaluated this very combination (MacBook Pro as a transport feeding a MF X-DACv8) a few months ago hoping that the sound would be able to replace...