
Responses from crankshaft

Most involving and thrilling moviemusic?
The Departed 
hybrid solid state amps
Musical Design 
Slam possible with Tubes instead of SS ??
Going along with the orginal question, how much difference is there between solid-state rectifier vs. tube rectifier in a tube amp when it comes to bass slam (quality).Thanks 
Wilco on Austin City Limits
The record that I have played more than any is Summerteeth with the late Jay Bennett. 
Klipsch LaScallas vs Klipsch Cornwalls?
I love some of the Klipsch Speakers (3 ways). I have a pair of highly modified Forte II that are great for what I use them for. Large room, high spl for progressive rock. I do not think they really shine in small rooms or at low sound levels, but ... 
Wilco on Austin City Limits
As someone a little older, I have grown to really enjoy Wilco. It did not happen the first couple of spins of their albums. They can write good music, Tweedy has a very unique soulful voice. Also their recordings sound very good ! 
Integrated recomendation for Quad 22l2
I owned a pair of 22L speakers. They do like power & current. I cannot recommend a integrated, as I used amp/preamp. I would stay at 150 watts or more unless your room is small and you do not listen at loud levels. 
Bass: Jolida 502A + Klipsch Forte
Hello, I find it great that you are using the Fortes !This is just my thoughts on getting the most out of these speakers. They need to be sealed completely. This info can be found on the Klipsch Forums. This seems to be a step that most people do ... 
Tekton Kat's Meow
Ludimagis, would you please give more info/your opinion on the differences between the Tekton Uruz & Druids.Thank You 
Jeff Beck - Emotion & Commotion?
I liked it ! However I did find it somewhat loud and bass heavy. Of course this was CD listened. ! 
ADS L1290/2 Speakers
I would take a look at something from Odyssey Stratos line. Powerful affordable sturdy, for the price hard to do better. 
Prima Luna Prologue 2 vs Rotel RB-1572
Just offering my 2 cents as a general opinion. I owned a 200 watt Rotel, and while it had nice low end. It was rather harsh in the mids & hi frequency's. I do believe a Prima Luna would work great with the Klipsch and probably with the ADS. I ... 
step up from rotel?
I went from a Rotel RB990 BX to a Odyssey Stratos Plus.The midrange improved and the high frequency lost all the hardness it had with the Rotel. So yes, the change was well worth it ! 
Amplifier for Klipsch Cornwalls
I have Klipsch Forte II used for Classic Rock. I used them for some time with a Odyssey Stratos and a tube preamp. The sound was very good. I then bought a Baldwin Tube Amp here on Audiogon from Audiospec. The sound is much better, to my ears. Yes... 
Arc Guitar amp very old
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