

Responses from dentdog

Clayton Audio Class A amps. Need amp advice
Balanced interconnects-look at Grover Huffman. Really good at many things. 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
I haven't read the whole thread but it is certainly interesting and varied. I write this from a perspective of having been once a devotee of high quality audio who set it to the side due to having two kids, a demanding profession and a wife who wa... 
mc275 tube options
Go to Joe's tube lore on AA 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Yes Spirit, sounds like you were looking for that ultimate "punch" with the bass drivers. Best of luck.Question: The newer SE2SE looks to be Gm70 based so I'm assuming you have a previous model or they come both ways. Have you compared the two? 
Reissue McIntosh MC275's..what are differences?
Call Terry DeWick, you can find him in Knoxville on the internet. 
Importance of Amplifier versus Preamp?
Read the Audiogon forums until you understand all things about impedance between components, impedence curves in speakers, efficiency/sensitivity of speakers, balanced vs unbalanced components and the different types of sources and their benefits.... 
Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear
I own a pair of McIntosh MC 60s,1956 vintage paired up with Zu Def IVs. Sounds pretty good to me. 
Preamp Noise with High-Efficiency Speakers
Hi Charles1,As with most things audio the devil is in the details. The BPT certainly does a lot of things favorably, a sense of ease permeates the music now and is very pleasing. Will have to don my Sherlock hat although Inspector Gadget is a more... 
Preamp Noise with High-Efficiency Speakers
This thread has been quiet for some time but has yielded some well sorted out theories. I stumbled on it with hopes of finding a solution to a hum problem that seems to center around a phono preamp and like others on here, brought to light by some... 
Tuning Rel G1
If you turn it up to the point you can hear it, it's too loud. It will give you a good foundation for your audio but it isn't meant to rock the house. If you don't like it get in touch. 
Best Find Ever???
I have a really good friend who had a pair of McIntosh MC60s sitting in his home office for about 20 years. When I decided to put together a system I spent about a year researching equipment here. Started reading about Zu Definition speakers and t... 
What components are a good value in used market?
McIntosh Tube Amps 
Is Coincident Statement Phono pre-amp an overkill
This has been an interesting thread. It explored a topic we all are involved in, kind of a universal process for all of us. I go with the theory of get a piece, a really good one, that you can build your reference around. There are very few of us ... 
McIntosh Experts Needed
I used to run a pair of 275s. They're going to lose a little of that sweetness if you bridge them. It's all system dependent though. Sometimes a slightly more brisk presentation can be helpful, sometimes not.Also, Almarg is right. Careful with tha... 
Would vinyl even be invented today?
Tubehead, I'll look around for it. It was Feickert or one of his buddies. Bottom line was that it would probably take north of 300-400 gigs before double blind testing vs a Terabyte would yield the difference undetectable. I still think it may be ...