
Responses from dimitry

Phono cable and preamp for soundsmith Carmen mk2
For tonearm DIN connector, LPGear makes several well priced low cap cables. For RCA output jacks, Blue Jean cable (their standard offering) is as low cap as one can get in reasonable size. 
FM antennas.............Does ANBODY still make them?
For indoor or attic use, Godar line of antennas are pretty much the best, short of seruous motorized installations. I am a dedicated raduo enthusiast - 4 FM tuners, HD, XM, SW and use that line excusively. 
Exact Power EP-15A Operational Question
In my case, the subs are actually not big power hogs - these are class D amps type units and used "passively" to fill in the very low frequencies below what the Quads can do - at moderate listening levels - I think they take something like 60W per... 
Exact Power EP-15A Operational Question
Thanks, I am going to hook an amp per side to see if I like that configuration better. Perhaps the best solution is to have three units - one each for the amps/subs per side and a third for front end components. If I see a new silver one coming up... 
Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?
Sounds like you have great plans !The modifications on my amplifiers were all coupling caps (front and side, so to speak) to MIT RTX and silver wire to from the jacks to the front end. I don't think he did anything else. I replaced the binding pos... 
Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?
Wow, you seem very involved in improving your amps. Keep me posted on you endeavors. I am a sometimes tweaker, but some of the things you are contemplating are a bit above my level. However, there is always something to learn from knowledgeable pe... 
Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?
Thanks for good tips! I am currently using Electro-Harmonix tubes in all positions, but have been thinking about NOS for the input, as well as tube dampers from Herbie's Audio Lab. I will definitely investigate the caps you recommend!Hurricanes Fo... 
Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?
Yes I did. I am very happy with them. However, there were growing pains - the previous owner was compulsive/obssessive and he apparently tweedled the bias all the time, often blowing up the tubes. A couple of sacrifice tube resistors in these amps... 
Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes - Triode or Pentode ?
That sounds like a worthwhile thing to try, but keep in mind that the gain is much less in triode, requiring you to have separate volume on each amp or set of amps. I was quite suprised at how much more gain there was in pentode mode. My previous ... 
Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes - Triode or Pentode ?
Some initial observations:1. Bias goes up slightly when moving from triode to pentode - 480 became 500.2. Substantially higher gain in pentode mode - at least 6db more and probably higher.3. Better dynamics in pentode mode.4. Better focus in pento... 
Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes - Triode or Pentode ?
I will do so. My question was wether bias changes when going from triode to pentode. My concern was that the pentode bias would be much more than the triode bias, causing the tubes to run much greater than 480 on the first turn-on, perhaps resulti... 
Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes - Triode or Pentode ?
Thanks for the information. Does the amp need to be re-biased when switching modes or is the bias preserved ? 
Marsh P2000T hybrid preamp....Should I modify??
Well, how does the darned thing sound after the upgrade ? I am installing Gold Point attenuators shortly and plan to add at least some of the commercial mods via homemade tinkering... 
Marsh P2000T hybrid preamp....Should I modify??
I can report good results from bypassing the main coupling caps with REL TFT 0.1uf 400v units. The sound has gain more air and presence and improved in the areas of pace and drive.However, the soldering required is a bit tricky, as the leads from ... 
Marsh P2000T hybrid preamp....Should I modify??
Well, polarity is a complex issue. Some people are sensitive to it, some are not. In a well recorded material, where relative polarity of all tracks is maintained, inverted polarity at playback is heard as lack of ambiance and pace in the mid-bass...