
Responses from dshea_32665

DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac
I received my Waveterminal. I very much agree with the improved quality that has been discussed here. Wow what a difference. The clarity is very much improved, but without digital fatigue. The details at the soft dynamic levels are fantastic. Ther... 
DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac
Great guys thanks. Off to ebay to buy a waveterminal. Then I can start thinking about the higher end DAC. I am using a portable AOS Piccolo DAC which is a fantastic unit for the money, but it is nowhere near the price range of those being describe... 
DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac
Thanks Edumke. It looks like I will be purchasing a waveterminal in the near future. Very cool. My DAC will be much more modest. However, I don't know anything different so I will still enjoy the upgrade. If you can recall or could do a quick test... 
USB DA recommendation needed
Runner, I was looking at this unit to. You are probably following the other thread as well. The Waveterminal looks smaller, but I should probably see if I can track down some dimensions to verify this. It looks like a high quality unit that doesn'... 
DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac
That is great information from your friend Edumke. Thanks. I also look forward Audioengr to your findings. By the way, Audioengr, do you have a Mac laptop to test your mods on? I would think there would be a great market for Mac specific needs, si... 
DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac
Thanks for the information Edumke! What adds so much to it is that you said that initially you liked the Transit. I recently plugged my headphone amp and AOS Piccolo DAC into a Nakamichi CD player (although 10 years old), and noticed the same thin... 
DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac
If I were using the analogue out for these cards, I think the quality and what you pay would pretty much determine it.Where I am unsure, is if you are just passing the signal through to a DAC, can these units make that much of a difference in soun... 
DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac
I would really love to hear the answer to this myself because I have been trying to find information on this exact situation. Can't seem to get many answers. 
Apple Airport Express Very Cool Product
Would the Airport Express be a better digital connection to my DAC than using an M-Audio Transit? Anybody have the two and done a comparison? 
Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?
I have been looking at the MiniDAC after a few people on Head-Fi actually said they preferred it to the Benchmark. I was thinking this might be what I get especially since I listen to classical music primarily and if I get a sound that is too digi... 
Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?
I am using an iBook G4 which has no card slot, USB is the only digital out possibility. Thanks though.dshea 
Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?
Edumke,Thanks for the information. I will check into those other external cards. I love upgrading and I have run out of things to upgrade (while keeping the system portable). I had looked at the Waverterminal before but I figured the extra feature... 
Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?
I have a Mac and a Transit. The analogue out leaves something to be desired, but is it really that bad if you are just using it to get the optical digital signal to a DAC? I think my setup sounds really quite good, but I would be happy to explore ...