
Responses from eldartford

How much Power do speakers really use ???????
It just happens that I have been making a bunch of electrical measurements as I design and set up my greatly revised system.1. SUBWOOFERS...I have three subwoofers, each consisting of a 15" JBL LF Driver and a 12" Dayton Titanic Subwoofer sharing ... 
Sacd / Dvda universal players
Pioneer DV 45A...Less than $500. Enjoy it while you struggle with the problem of what to do with the extra 2 or 3 grand in your pocket. 
Question for Ex-Maggie Owners
opivl.. What you hear is what you hear, and what matters for you. I don't do Rock, but I do listen to some Jazz (loud dixieland) and some bluegrass. With my crossover at 70Hz, 24 dB, I observe that what sounds like a lot of Bass, usually doesn't m... 
Have problems running a 8 ohm, 89 db speaker
Years ago, one of my sons took an unused KLH5 speaker that I had, and hooked it up to his little table-top FM radio. Now the KLH5 was a relatively low efficiency quality item, and the little radio probably had less than 3 watt audio output. I told... 
The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?
If you THINK that some wires sound better than others, then they do...for you. Maybe not for me, or anyone else, but why should you care? 
Any one try pa amplifiers for home stereo?
Crown amps may be a good, and inexpensive, choice to drive a subwoofer, where ability to pump out many amps is useful, and where electronic distortion levels do not need to be as good as typical audiophile equipment. The sound characteristics that... 
JBL Sovereign 1 question
I just had the foam surrounds replaced on three JBL LE15A drivers. Shipping cost more than the job itself which was done by an authorized JBL repair shop. Certainly worth the cost. I thought that the foam was OK on my units (which had been stored ... 
Choking more SPL's out of Maggie 3.6's
Things that work for me are:1. Get another (center) speaker. Better still, get three more for multichannel DVD/SACD.2. Set your subwoffer/MG crossover frequency higher. I do hope that you are not running the MG full range with subwoofer augentatio... 
Who uses long interconnect like in dealers?
I remember when preamps (all tube) had cathode-follower output stages with 600 ohm impedance. In such a circuit the coax connection to the power amp was critical. At the very least, hum pickup was a problem. Now, if you have a solid state preamp y... 
Pioneer DV-45A Elite vs Denon DVD 2800 MK II
My DVD-45A cost me only $500, and I have seen it listed for less. I bought it primarily for audio, and it is significant to me that it plays both DVD-A and SACD. The video which I have never viewed on a set as good as your Hitachi, looks OK to me.... 
Mozart Sym 41:reviews/opinions
George Szell conducting the Cleveland Orchestra is the standard by which all others should be judged. Recorded on excellent 1960's analog tapes, and recently remasted on SACD. 
Question for Ex-Maggie Owners
Opivl and others who mention how "slow" subwoofers tend to be...please stop and think about (or experimentally listen to) what kind of music actually comes out of your subwoofer. Mostly organ pipes of 16 feet or more. The, attack time of real big ... 
Question for Ex-Maggie Owners
Emil...Your concern about shipping Magnepans is valid. The packing material set which they use for new units is really good, (and must add at least $30 to the cost of the speakers). They do suggest that the speakers never be shipped except in this... 
Multichannel Silence
Sogood51...Thanks for the answer. My player settings are fine. That's why I mentioned the other Sony disc which is OK. When you say that your disc "has" all channels, do you mean that the soloist is almost entirely in the center channel? This is u... 
Question for Ex-Maggie Owners
Some 20 or so years ago I scrapped my set of three MG II, because I had burnt up the tweeter wires, and the line array of tweeters that I attached to the Magies (before Magnepan did the same thing with their ribbon) just didn't hack it. I salvaged...