

Responses from eli_tackla

Integrating a vintage piece
Thank you both. I really appreciate it. 
Whole house setup
thanks @auxinput...I kinda figured. I've gone into some higher end audio places in Cleveland since posting and learned that as well. I'm going to sell most of this stuff and reconfigure. I did PSB Image 5t and McIntosh MA5100 with an MCS and grado... 
Vintage amp as preamp
thanks @jond ...My next mission will be speakers that do it justice :) 
Vintage amp as preamp
@meerzistar ..you were on point. I wanted to play records in that room without adding more speakers. 
Vintage amp as preamp
http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mcSE_BuzeJmKxZouNSDn74w.jpg@jond Hey-I forgot to take a picture but I found one online. 
Vintage amp as preamp
@jond You got it...I'll post later on 
Vintage amp as preamp
Thanks for the advice guys...you got it jond. I've still never seen the same one online. I'll post it later. 
Vintage amp as preamp
Gotcha-thank you very much. 
Whole house setup
Thank you guys-I appreciate the advice. GIK Acoustics is next. 
Whole house setup
Thanks Erik-It’s not that I have a preference for mixing and matching. I enjoy finding values where possible so it’s kind of inevitable that systems are maybe not matched properly. I could put a bunch of the lower end gear in the basement and be f...