
Discussions erik_squires has started

The floor between and behind the speakers is too often neglected165120
Closed Back: Sonorous III and Dali2725
DIY Class D amps13498
The Truth about Modern Class D17774201
Magico S1 II - Anyone actually buy a pair?6772
Speakers can be big AND easy to drive5113
One DAC/integrated you could be happy with forever? 360450
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review599649
Mytek DSD - Ubuntu finally working! 8930
The most fun you can have in audio is DIYing your own speakers167344
NAD - Digital AND Class D amps in current line-up3960
Pono - Ayre and Headphones3144
Vintage article: dbx : Comb Filtering, Speaker dispersion and Dolby Surround 1750
Mytek Brooklyn - A dangerous pre! 222418
Convergent Audio - New Dealer in NM6192