
Responses from faziod

Which DAC?
Benchmark Dac 1 $850.00 will put to shame DACs costing 4x as much. 
Piega 8 limited
Sorry I meant the The P8 limited 
What's your profession? Age?
I am a 47 yr old Process Manager with a nasty habit for spending to much money on audio gear. My system retails for around $70,000 and tweaking everyday. Kana813 free shipping with that Bose Wave Radio I'm jealous. 
Your ''best kept secret'' speaker choice ?
I'll cast a vote for Von Schweikert Audio. May not be the best kept secret but truley as close to you are there that I have heard. 
CD/Transport W/ External DAC
Lak or Jayctoy do you know CECs web address? 
CD/Transport W/ External DAC
Thanks for all your responses,I will now be on the look out for a better CDP or Tranport. Any sugestions? 
I just sold my cd player what should i get?
Carin Fog at $1695.00 US Dollars This player puts to shame many higher end players.