
Discussions fjn04 has started

Which A/V receiver for Pioneer monitor Center ?17215
selling Vinyl230814
Johnny CASH QRP's9740
Back on Black: LED ZEP 1-31009061
Two turntable setup ideas to go with an SPU cart20296
EAR 834 standard vs Deluxe13672
Hand drying records using a VPI 16.5 or the like.13744
The DOORS 45's- Any standouts sound wise?145614
Happened to Google Graham Nash....13861
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, Blue, Black166556
Reading that damn speed strobe disc91599
EL34 quad for LM Audio 21122596
Ray Manzarek RIP286017
Ray Manzarek has passed8940
Zyx vs. Van Den Hul599921