
Responses from fredorama

Moscode 401HR vs Pass Labs X150.5
Grant (Tvad) I always appreciate your thoughtful and on-point responses. Soundhouse, I appreciate your experience withthe older Moscode amps and your comments as well. I decided on an ARC 100.2, which saved me about $800, and fit into my equipment... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
I have settled on a very nice sounding ARC 100.2 which doesn't stress the budget and fits in my equipment rack, and which sounds fantastic - at least on some familiar recordings. The Plinius amps just don't fit Playing some material I am blown awa... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Tvad you are right. I am calling it a day with the Odyssey experiment. I don't know at this point exactly what I am going to replace them with, but I find the Odyesseys tinny on top, a bit too fat and loose on the bottom, and the tonal balance was... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Well Doug, I am happy to have cleared some things up for you. With the help of our audio brethren, at least somebody has figured something out here. Happy listening! 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Tvad - and others, thank you all for your comments. I am off the modding thing. It does not appeal to me any more. What I did was order the Odysseys, which now I am concerned about, based on TVad's comments, and the fact that I do see them come up... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Tvad - RE: The Plinius modded amp, there was a modded P-8 that I think would have been perfect, but I was outbid at the last minute and lost out. P-8s are not easy to come by, let alone a P-8 that someone else already had paid to get modded by som... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Dpac - Haha I know what you mean! Time is never on our side... Thanks for the clarification on the speakers. I am using a Peachtree Nova as my preamp / DAC. And yes, have heard how hot that SA-102 gets. I don't live in Edmonton, eh? - and Philly s... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
I am sorry if that sounded harsh Tvad. I know you are only trying to help. 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Tvad, if what you're saying is that the demand will be lower on resale, thus I will get a lower price or it will take longer to sell, then I agree with you 100%. But I am interested in getting a pleasing sonic result first and foremost; not in end... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Thanks Missioncoonery, Tvad and Dpac for your thoughtful responses. The guy who mods Plinius that I am talking about - Vince Galbo - worked for Plinius for about 12 years. Between him and Scot Markwell (the current US distributor), they were the o... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Updated! So I have narrowed it down to the souped up Stratos Monos (95% of the Kizmets according to Klaus, sounding better than the extremes), and the Plinius SA 100, which I may have modified by a former Plinius designer in Buffalo. Now what?Has ... 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Missioncoonery (whatever the hell that means!) Thanks for the suggestion. I am a fan of Pass. Cannot afford the X250.5. But I am concerned the X150.5 is not enough power. Any thoughts on this from the rest of you out there? 
Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?
Thanks Nolitan and Buff. I don't know why I am hesitant to buy this guy's modded Plinius P8 on here, given that I know how good my 9200 sounded. And I don't really want TWO amps (Stratos Monoblocks) when I could have one. But I am hearing such gre... 
Best Bang for $2000 System Upgrade?
SCP - that is EXACTLY the kind of thing I was thinking about. Except I am not sure what the rest of your system looks like, to make a fair interpretation of your results as relevant to what mine might be (i.e. speakers, and source in particular). ... 
Best Bang for $2000 System Upgrade?
Schipo you are correct. I do need to spend on room treatment. That has been another process I am in the midst of figuring out.Robert, you say much by saying little. I will try to interpret. Was not looking to upgrade or change speakers. Although T...