
Responses from freediver

What are you streaming tonight?
 Starting my day with Pandora + station(mine)Cool Jazz Radio(Webster,Marsellis,Young,Hawkins,etc...)  
Lenth of XLR Cables
 XLR cables are designed for long runs,100' should be no problem...You could also get an inexpensive BluTooth transmitter/reciever set up..I have a $25.00 long range Transmitter streaming from my bedroom(about 30'through walls) to my Quad VA-One s... 
Safe load for tube amp??
I did some digging and found no useable intel..I suggest you post this in do know that Transformer coupled amps like low impedance cans if that helps.. 
Newbie Help Shure HD 535 Earbuds Astell&Kern KANN DAC HELP
Pretty good IEM’s, I would say yes you are likely to notice better staging,imaging & separation of instruments...As I have never heard an iPhone I can't comment but you may also gain a more natural timbre from instruments.. 
What are you streaming tonight?
You Tube,the entire 2017 NCAA Bowl series... 
What are you streaming tonight?
Surfers Life Radio via Pandora+...Aqua Velvets,Mermen,Blue Hawaiians,Marley,Cliff,Jimmy Buffet... 
CD players and integrated amos
 I've played around through the years with every combination & the path to Nirvana for me was Digital Front End with Tube Amplification... 
Piggybacking meambler’s receiver suggestions request - receiver or pre/pro advice please
Since you care less about home theater than good sound I would sell off the home theater gear and put that with the $1200.00 you budgeted..With your Klipsch speakers something like my little Quad VA-One integrated amplifier should sing... There ar... 
More expensive DAC the answer?
Your wasting money if the room acoustics are not sorted out..Your going to likely change tone a bit but a "hollow"sound will still be there... 
More expensive DAC the answer?
It's doubtful a DAC change will do much unless the rest of the system & acoustics are sorted out... What are your system components upstream?Room size & treated?What exactly don't you like about the sound? 
Home theater setup recommendations?
First if you really want to enlighten them take them to hear some live unamplified music...Then demo a Bose system,followed by a decent surround system and finally a really good 2 channel system... If you just want to grab them something decent wi... 
Preamp / amplification recommendations for the SF Guarneri Homage Tradition Wenge
Time for you to discover tubes! Maybe a big integrated like a VTL IT-85 or Hybrid(Tube Pre/SS power)...If it must be SS then SimAudio... 
Any comments on my Ayre AX-7e vs Ayre EX-8 vs Simaudio Moon 340i Integrated Amplifiers
Only heard Ayre one time and found it too cool for my taste...BIG fan of SimAudio and I would own them if I ever left tubes again... 
Line out converter
Ok got it...Doesn’t sound like you need the convertor any longer...Deck has direct couple to amps via Pre Outs & Sub out with crossover controls is everything you need.. Basically you have 2 full range signals passed via the PreOuts & a se... 
Line out converter
OP,I'm sorry but I don't follow...If the new deck has PreAmp Out why do you need a converter to interface the amp? Are the 4 wires on the converter speaker wires OR RCA terminated?