

Responses from gasbose

Want to get into Analog
My 2-cents worth. My Rega RP3 -- bought about 12 years ago with a Rega Elys, upgraded 7 years ago to a Dynavector 10x5 --  gives me better sound than my CD Player (NAD C516BEE). I  upgraded 2 years ago to a better phone stage (Pro-Ject Tube Box DS... 
Why do some manufacturers reverse preamp polarity in the first place?
because they CAN... 
Whats the deal?
n80,I want to see a beautiful tractor.... :-)G 
Quiet Enjoyment: right of audiophiles neighbors to NOT be annoyed
I agree with being respectful of one's neighbors, but the culture of complaint and victimhood is badly out of control.  Which is one reason I no longer live in a co-op; I was just tired of hearing neighbors complains about my dogs barking, music a... 
Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER!
The answer is simple. According to one prominent philosopher, it's "42".Ah, but what's the real question? Read this before attempting a response!http://www.gutenberg.org/files/33854/33854-h/33854-h.htmGasbose 
Next step: tube preamp or analog?
Thosb,I'm confused. A tube preamp is very definitely what most people would consider 'Analog'.WhaGasbose 
Switching a single set of speakers between two amps
tgr,I have no personal experience, but dealers do it all the time with switch-boxes that allow different combinations of amps/speakers.Good luck! 
tsai50Thanks for your insight. Clearly 'Sherlock' was really Prof Moriarty in disguise. What other cold-blooded villain would leave such a system unheard?Gasbose 
Never heard of Gryphon, but puzzled about the claim that it is the only company that does everything from A to Z... what about all the Japanese manufacturers that do 'integrated' systems -- SONY, Technics, Yamaha, etc? You can get a complete packa... 
Thanks, all -- excellent explanation. I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge.Regards. 
Thanks, Rodman, Erik and amg!So can you say how the 'Shielding' works? I take it there's some type of metallic cover around the cable. Per the Audioquest article, it's only attached at one end -- but to what? Does it connect to the negative side o... 
A Budget Amp Comparison
This is a great thread - thanks, SnapSC!I'm an audiophile on a budget (too many other priorities), so I appreciate reviews of budget gear. I'm quite happy with my vintage SA-12, but if I ever need to replace it, you've given me 3 alternatives!Gasbose 
Thanks, guys! Bigkidz, I actually had all the capacitors in my preamp, amp and speaker cross-overs replaced. I don't know what brand he used, but he tells me they all had upgraded capacitance.Chazzy and Wolf, I am keeping my eyes open for  used RE... 
Replace a 0.5 mV Grado Reference Sonata 1 for a Dynavector-DV20X2-H 2.8 mV ???
Thehorn,What yogiboy and noromance said.  You have a low-output cartridge with a preamp designed for high-output devices. Maybe Grado will agree to exchange. Or you could look at getting a step-up transformer to enable your exiting cartridge and p... 
Thanks Astewart! But I'm planning around a slightly lower budget; this is my first try at a sub-woofer and it's kid of experimental. But thanks for the suggestion!Tutetblimperes, I'm sure you're right. But I'm not really looking for floor-shaking ...